Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

08 Oct

07 Oct


Originally posted by Tandoran

Would it be possible to have a Strike Skill support that triggers a Slam Skill?



Hard Mode isn't ready to be enabled on 3.16's launch day but we're working hard to get it into public testing after launch.


Just noting here that the values for Cold Snap were incomplete. Originally stated as:

Cold Snap now deals 34 to 52 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 32 to 47), up to 1057 to 1586 at gem level 20 (previously 666 to 999).


Cold Snap now deals 28.7 Base Cold Damage per second at gem level 1 (previously 26.3), up to 1894 at gem level 20 (previously 1193.2).

In our upcoming 3.16 expansion, we're making a number of balance changes. Over the last two days, we talked about our plans for {LINK REMOVED}Flasks and Ailment Mitigation and {LINK REMOVED}Core Character Defences and Recovery. We strongly recommend reading those posts prior to this one. Today's post covers our plans for Auras, Curses and Elemental Damage Over Time.

We've assembled this article as a set of identified problems and our intended solutions. Below each solution is a spoiler tag with the specifics of what we're currently int... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

In our upcoming 3.16 expansion, we're making a number of balance changes. Over the last two days, we talked about our plans for Flasks and Ailment Mitigation and ... Read more

Originally posted by ErrorLoadingNameFile

I was not aware of that, thank you for clarifying. In my defense I am pretty sure this was not public knowledge, and your explanation of spell suppression did not include this.

Edit: I just realized your explanation also means that Evasion based characters now have no way to mitigate secondary attack damage compared to before where they could with attack dodge.

Edit: I just realized your explanation also means that Evasion based characters now have no way to mitigate secondary attack damage compared to before where they could with attack dodge.

Evasion also applies to secondary damage from attack skills.


Originally posted by Highcradle

Regarding the animation issue, would having the triggered skill be performed through a spirit overlaid or above the character, like Ancestral Call/Fist Of War, make that easier? So that the character itself isn’t performing the triggered action.

Although I can already see there is the obvious difficulty of making the activation actually get communicated to the player without adding clutter.

That would be an entirely different mechanic with no relation to triggering, which would need built from the ground up.


Spell dodge and spell block were changed in the past to apply to secondary damage abilities. These abilities do NOT deal spell damage however. What this means is where before 75% of secondary damage was mitigated by spelldodge, now 0% will be. Or in other words your character will take 400% more secondary damage on average than before.

Spell dodge and spell block were only changed to apply to secondary damage from spells, not all secondary damage (secondary damage from attacks being affected by the attack versions of those mechanics).

Chance to Suppress Spell Damage also applies to secondary damage from spells, just like Chance to Block Spell Damage.


Originally posted by taggedjc

Would it be possible to do this with an active skill, such as:

Combo Strike

Grants Combo Strike and supports other linked strike attack skills, granting them a cooldown and allowing them to be triggered by Combo Strike and each other. At the end of Combo Strike or a linked attack, if there is a target within melee strike range, trigger a linked attack toward that target.

And then have it grant something like 20% more attack speed for each attack previously used in the combo (up to a maximum of 80%)?

The cooldown could be short (like 0.5s or something) and just there to prevent attacks from triggering each other back and forth repeatedly unless you get super slow attack speed (and even then you'd be able to "break" it by canceling the attack action by moving or ordering some other action, or running out of resources to use the skill, or running out of targets).

Hmm. I suspect that as fun as something like that would be to try to build around, ...

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Grants Combo Strike and supports other linked strike attack skills, granting them a cooldown and allowing them to be triggered by Combo Strike

Yes (with caveats, see below).

and each other.

Not in any reasonably practical way. The rest of your post indicates to me you are operating under misapprehensions about triggered attacks. Triggered actions are instant, they would not take an attack time to perform, they don't have an "end" in the way a skill being used does, and thus having a "sequence" doesn't really make sense.

In order to do this at all, a lot of work would have to happen because most player attack skills can't currently be triggered - most slams would be simple to add the capability to, strikes would be harder unless we accepted slightly lesser functionality than using them, some specific case like Leap Slam just aren't going to practically work, and thus need a way to be excepted. In g...

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Originally posted by dfkgjhsdfkg

is it possible to make the trigger support remember which supported skill was manually used to differentiate it and then trigger all other attack skills?

Would be interesting if one could use either skill to trigger the other.

A skill is either triggered or not. If it has a trigger condition, it is a triggered skill, and cannot be used. If the support gives modifies melee attack skills it's linked to by giving them a trigger condition, it does that to all of them.


Originally posted by ammo--

Couldn't you accomplish that with something similar to the way Corrupting Fever works? It wouldn't be a trigger gem anymore but it would accomplish the same thing more or less.

In this case, a hybrid active/passive gem that gives the player a buff that triggers an unlinked attack when a linked attack is used.

You are describing a support that modifies all attacks it's not linked to (by giving them a trigger condition). That is fundamentally not how supports work.