Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

02 Jun


Originally posted by dougan25

Yeah but how do you get there? Will it be another "node" along the side like hideouts and menagerie etc.?

When you click the seed cache, Oshabi arrives with her portal. You can pass through the portal and I believe access the garden from your hideout but I need to double check that last part.


Originally posted by Zankage

Will there be new stash tabs?



Originally posted by KelloPudgerro

We get it, the league is called Harvest, no need to capitalize it, bexter

I'll capitalise whaTever I wAnt.


Originally posted by fattymcelbows

Uhh . . . So Arcanist Brand makes any skill into a brand? You sacrifice a support, but . . . That seems insane.

I believe it's spells only.


Originally posted by ArjenRobben

Penance Brand sure looks like a lightning skill. If it is, it's gonna be pretty crazy with Stormfire ignite shenanigans methinks

It's base physical damage with a 50% conversion to lightning.


Originally posted by joshato

You need to remove the timer, or make it SIGNIFICANTLY LESS "zoomzoom", from delirium if it's going core as yet another 10% mechanic.

It doesn't have the 10% implementation.


Originally posted by Killmour_

Since this is how it always goes, what is preventing you from spam running quarry to advance your seeds or whatever, or does it even matter?

I don't have the answer but I know the team is aware of/considering stuff like this.


Originally posted by Talkinboutfootball

did i miss something with the people ITT mentioning Eternal lab of fortune? I watched the video two times but never heard those words

Check out the crafting results on the announcement page.


Originally posted by watersekirei

Do these seeds disappear when we leave map? Or we can keep them and use them whenever we want?

You can keep seeds and use them later or trade them.


Originally posted by KinGGaiA

also, what determines cycles? like, when do they "tick" forward? for example do the seeds grow faster if im mapping a lot or is "real life" time?

Clicking on the seed cache causes your plants to grow.


Originally posted by GCPMAN

I'm kinda curious about the vimeo host as apposed to youtube like all the previous ones. any reason?

The quality was better suited for the garden aesthetic but the trailer is available on YouTube if you'd prefer to use that.


Originally posted by chekk12

Does the new NPC actually have a Slavic accent? SLAVIC URAL FARM League

She's Azmeri like the people in Act 2 town.


Originally posted by FlyingThunder2992

uhm, what i didnt get - it said "harvest them when they are ready", so is it like a portal in a map that opens, and behind this portal is the garden, where i plant some seeds and then wait 10 minutes until they are ready, or what?

When you click on the seed cache it counts as one growth cycle. You don't need to enter your garden to grow the plants, just to plant or harvest them. It's not tied to the passage of time and your plants won't wither if you don't Harvest them.


Originally posted by DeadSneedStorage

Can you take the seeds out of the map?

The seeds aren't tied to an instance. You can store them, trade them etc


Originally posted by CodingIsJustTyping

Are seeds tradeable? I fear a rise of scamming when we have to give away our items in order to buy crafts from other people

Yes, you can trade seeds.


Originally posted by cydaea6752

pls pls pls tell me theres ice brand

Keep an eye on the news in the coming weeks!


Originally posted by Space_Croquette

Is crafting the only reward of the league?

The monsters in the garden also drop items but crafting is the main reward. You can check out some of the examples on the announcement page.


Originally posted by allbluedream

No news on Cluster Jewel stacking?

It may still change but they currently still stack.


Originally posted by Tockity

Do seeds need to be harvested within a certain amount of cycles after maturing, or can they be left there indefinitely?

They don't wither. You can leave them there once they're ready to Harvest.


Originally posted by SirVampyr

Any information about cluster jewels? Bex?

It looks like they're still available from Delirium encounters. Also this still may change but so far notables still stack.