Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

20 Aug


We'll be releasing the Blight Supporter Packs on Thursday this week (US Time).

For more Blight information, check out the press coverage below!

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19 Aug

The 3.8.0 press tour has finished and we're ready to show you our next expansion! Don't miss the announcement at 2pm PDT (9am NZ time) tomorrow! As we near the end of the Legion leagues, we thought we'd take one final look at how the base class and Ascendancy class breakdown looks now that players have had ample time to experiment.

Firstly, we're sampling all leagues and including all characters. Naturally, we see a high amount of unascended characters, with Slayer and Trickster being intermingled between some of the base classes. We can see a fairly high amount of lower level characters that haven't yet gotten to the point of being able to ascend, possibly for a multitude of reasons (but this is totally normal).

Class - All Levels, All Legion Leagues (PC) Witch 10.60% Duelist 9.10% Slayer 8.49% Shadow 8.32% ... Read more

The 3.8.0 press tour has finished and we're ready to show you our next expansion! Don't miss the announcement at 2pm PDT (9am NZ time) tomorrow! As we near the end of the Legion leagues, we thought we'd take one final look at how the base class and Ascendancy class breakdown looks now that players have had ample time to experiment.

Firstly, we're sampling all leagues and including all characters. Naturally, we see a high amount of unascended characters, with Slayer and Trickster being intermingled between some of the base classes. We can see a fairly high amount of lower level characters that haven't yet gotten to the point of being able to ascend, possibly for a multitude of reasons (but this is totally normal).

.posttable th { font-weight: bold; } .posttable td, .posttable th{ text-alig... Read more

Hmm this is actually a bug on our end. We shouldn't be treating items we have no ratio for as worth 1 chaos (which is what is currently happening). I'll fix it up so that those listings go back to not having a relative price.

18 Aug

Legion was a very well-received league. In addition to receiving an abundance of positive feedback from players, and engagement with the league's content continues to be high.

As Legion's primary goals are focused on the encounters and the end-game area, it is reasonably straightforward to integrate into the core game.

We are adding Legion encounters as map content with a 10% chance to occur (similar to Breach or Abyss). Only one Timeless Monolith can occur from this chance, however there may be additional ones in an area from other sources.

We've decided to leave it out of the campaign content (pre-map levelling) as the campaign is already very busy and this content would be a lot to stack on top.

Handily, the Legion mechanic was one that could be comfortably integrated into existing game elements almost immediately, ra... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Originally posted by vba7

I am a Standard player, so I simply need a more definied timeline.

If Legion goes core it will be really hard to collect 900 splinters (400 for 4 way fight, then 500 for 5 way). So it would be nice to know if the map device unlocked in Legion league will be moved to Standard, or do we have to unlock again.

Alternative is to keep the emblems/splinters untill league ends, but what if they simply stop working? So you dont use them in League - and you cant use them in Standard.

GGG should clearly communicate this to us early, so we know if splinters are a hot potato and should be used immediately, or if they will work in Standard too.

Also, if the chance for drop of Legion is like Breach, then it will take A LONG time to get 500 splinters. What also is just bad: should be maybe 50, instead of 100 of each needed (so 550 = 250, not 5100 = 500).

It would be nice if /u/Bex_GGG or /u/Chris_...

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Just a heads up that I’m on leave now but I arranged for this manifesto to be written before I left. Looks like it’s out today.


We're actually posting a manifest about Legion's integration into the game later today. I don't think you have to worry about it being nerfed like Breach.