I hope you're using the newest version of internet explorer.
Nah, Netscape Navigator is my jam
I hope you're using the newest version of internet explorer.
Nah, Netscape Navigator is my jam
Posting to Official Rogue Planet MySpace account shortly...
Good to know, thanks. You guys really have been making good on the promise of being more open and transparent about things.
Please take a look again. Ops team said they have completed their work and the API servers should be reporting properly now.
In years passed we’d normally be able to ping prompt to get him to take a look at whatever API issues cropped up and he kept things chugging along. Is there’s someone specific we should tag to get these sorts of issues handled or at least known more quickly than normal bug reports?
Just ping me/Wrel/Carto on twitter or here. It's being worked on now and they expect to have it functioning properly again by tomorrow after, but possibly early Friday.
Thanks for the update. Hopefully we can get emerald's done sometime soon. In the meantime, any idea when the API servers are going to be live again? THey dont seem to have data from last night's session.
Working on this now with Daybreak ops dept.