Prehistoric Kingdom

Prehistoric Kingdom Dev Tracker

17 Apr

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Very neat thread. Can't wait to see this gets bigger after the 27th.
    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Paddy (Irish):
Originally posted by Nederbeest: They have nailed the building / designing aspect of the game, so the creative people will get their worth out of it. Being able to scale things is a godsend and gamechanger as you can use less modular items to build something.

Anything else is barebones and basic and there is no management available in the current Beta build (there will be with Early Access, but probably basic). Animal AI is also very basic so don't expect too...
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16 Apr

15 Apr

    Rosie on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
¡Steam Workshop estará disponible en una futura actualización!

Steam Workshop will be available in a future update!

14 Apr



Save the date, Park Managers! PREHISTORIC KINGDOM stomps into Early Access April 27th 2022, available for $29.99 USD!
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

13 Apr

12 Apr

11 Apr

    Rosie on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh! And price will be $29.99 :)
    Rosie on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello! We've had a few technical issues with the next update for Closed Beta that we briefly discussed in our most recent Dev Diary, but the build is currently being tested and should hopefully be out this week for Closed Beta players. The devs are finishing the trailer that will include the Early Access release date for the end of this month. Thank you to all for your patience, we know everyone is very excited to play Prehistoric Kingdom! - Rosie (PK Community Manager)

09 Apr

08 Apr

07 Apr

05 Apr

03 Apr

    Mau on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As others have mentioned, the game will cost $29.99 at launch and is not expected to bump up during any point in development.

02 Apr