PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

05 Oct

04 Oct

Originally posted by Dr4cul3

Nice to see you posting content! Love watching your twitch

That's so awesome to hear, thank you man <3

03 Oct

Okay, since you don't know what the CCU Peak number means, let me explain

CCU stands for concurent users. Daily CCU peak means that at one point during a day, there are 400k players online. This means just that. It is not a total number of players every day, let alone every month. It is a total number of players every day at 10:24am UTC (made up time).

There are millions of players world wide constantly coming in and out to play for 30 mins, 1 hour, 2 hours, 10 minutes - constantly logging in and out every month.

There is no 400,000 players (of which 200k ...

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02 Oct

01 Oct

Originally posted by WeirdMail7139

Game name and how to download this game

I use digital vibrance on 75% in nvidia control panel to make it colorful if that is what you alluded to! :)

30 Sep

29 Sep

Originally posted by Wehmer

Ahh Steve, good to see you still playing!

Almost every day!

28 Sep

2023 PUBG Survivor Summerfest event ended on August 24 and the winners were supposed to get announced on September 27.

The event page (as shown in the picture below) has been taken down.

Initial event announcement page is still up:

External link →

26 Sep

Originally posted by Maleficent_Internet9

Mobile authentification

Isn't "Mobile authentification" already required for playing ranked ... ?

I had to do it when ranked got introduced ...

Yup. Assuming enhancements would mean having to redo what we did or have to do it more frequently to remove the ability to use one time use numbers and have to be able to authenticate repeatedly.

Originally posted by Trackmaniac

I seriously wouldn't mind that if it makes PUBG a better game tbh

Of course, I don't know what "enhancing" of an existing one means but I assume we'll need to authenticate our existing connections.

MadAnesthesiaTTV if you see this, thank you for being awesome and I hope I meet you in game more often! GG's!

TLDR: Mobile authentification coming to ranked in November

25 Sep


This is because you are on the Canary build.

This build is bleeding edge and often contains kernal changes that are incompatible with anti-cheats. So can break anti-cheat systems at any moment.

Not saying that is the cause. But usually, it is. But this is a windows thing. Not a PUBG thing.

Best off going to the beta build at the very least if you plan running Win11 on your daily driver.

23 Sep

22 Sep