PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

20 Sep

Originally posted by jcreamm

Lmao your face as you are dancing around their bullets😂 comedy

Sorry you are getting downvoted for your positive, subjective and personal comment aimed towards me and nobody else on this sub :) And also thanks, you'd be surprised but I get into these situations fairly often - it never gets old though

Originally posted by Willertz

I love how you peak him before he shows(before you have any info)..

Hahahaha, am I really being accused of cheating here? Is this what's happening in this thread? Someone pinch me - it can be butt too if you want! :>

19 Sep

13 Sep

08 Sep


Originally posted by re-patch

DO A SEASON OR PATCH FULLY DEDICATED TO PERFORMANCE, (4090 / 12700KF (still drops to <100fps sometimes)

Stop taking the approach of nerfing the meta guns, instead please make the weaker 5.56 ARs viable, it would be awesome to play them all. Right now, they’re just too weak - K2 / G36 / SCAR / QBZ

Make all guns available on all maps, please stop with the whole map “exclusive” features and guns etc.,

Add more world spawn 7.62 ARs

Shotgun effective range is too high (especially pump & dbs) - DBS is slightly too strong.

Buff M4 ever so slightly again


Getting into cars is very inconsistent, we have to spam F too often.

Please add the same respawn method on all maps! Why have different ones again? Same as with the gun, please stop with the exclusive stuff, super confusing for new people. At the very least replace the Taego one with the one with towers OR the Vi...

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Love this

If this video didn't convince you, watch my first video for more proof! Crate opening strat video #1

P.S I know this is reddit, so I'll add a disclaimer: Don't gamble, these are just silly content videos.

21 Aug

17 Aug

I'm not a fan of 3 static maps.

Replace Sanhok for 2 weeks with the updated map + raise its % pick chance. Keep erangel always as static and sanhok as semi-static.

Originally posted by Axtros

I really love deston :[ nooooo pubg why

Same :'[

Originally posted by rwhockey29

Any reason yall have just absolutely ignored the fact that matchmaking has been broken for over a day now? 10+ minutes sitting in lobby with no games found and not a single reply on any of the posts from yall?

I don't work at PUBG anymore, just sharing any news I see because the news supply has not been very consistent across their channels recently and I'm still fan of the game and want players to know what's happening.

Originally posted by Quiveryjester0

Is this the same for console? Our servers are still down for the update

Different dates for Console. Each weekly rotation happends a 1 week later.

Originally posted by Vidar26

Is this only for EU servers or the same applies to SEA?

It applies to all regions without map selection.

🏜️ Miramar has been placed into random map selection for the next 3 weeks, replacing Sanhok as a static map besides Erangel.

🗺️ Here's how the rotation will look like for the next 3 weeks:

➲ Aug 17-23: Erangel / Miramar / Taego / Deston / Paramo

➲ Aug 23-30: Erangel / Miramar / Vikendi / Deston / Karakin

➲ Aug 30-Sep 6: Erangel / Miramar / Vikendi / Taego / Sanhok

*UPDATE:💀 The rotation plans have been updated and Sanhok...

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11 Aug


If you are in Australia, this was related to the Aussie Broadband issues unfortuantely. If not - please get in touch with Support.

10 Aug



08 Aug

Originally posted by Psychological-Sir224

rare pubg W

Pure, CLEAN W.

This is hopefully a start of something much greater. Better, more open communication.

Asking your players for targeted feedback via surveys then publishing results alongside your further plans will break echo chambers / little community bubbles where speculation and lack of information is a major cause for negativity.

Bringing topics like these to light so everyone can see will clear all that up and make the players understand why something is changing - or not!

Personally I am not a fan of any vehicle hitbox changes as they mess with a lot of things gameplay wise and that's a slippery slope on the road to pay to win.

The character position in the vehicle is often changed as well as certain parts of a new vehicle could block incoming bullets better / more than the original vehicle.

- Character position change + vehicle hitbox change will cause you to have to adjust your aim and lead when shooting which means your built in muscle memory goes out the window as soon you face a player with a special vehicle skin.

- Driver seats are elevated, offering full protection from bullets which means it is IMPOSSIBLE to kill the player driving away from you if you are looking at the rear end of their car.

  • Due to player feedback, the release of Dragunov 7.62 DMR has been suspended
  • Devs acknowledge that its probabilistic damage system could deviate from the intended gameplay experience
  • Devs have also shared and announced a feedback survey in order to gather community sentiment on Dragunov & Aug
  • Outcome from this survey will be publicly shared and have an impact on changes for these two guns

Feedback survey: ...

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03 Aug

Originally posted by ProfessorWoke

I'm just praying that when you buy something with g-coin, g-coin is used in the order of when it will expire. Closest expiration date first and permanent g-coin last.

That does happen, yes.