PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Originally posted by PUBG_curdstuff

So it's one of those "our weakness is our strength" tropes: we've got an international team, with a ton of different work/gaming experience. This means we're all coming to the table with different processes and assumptions, which can of course cause friction. The challenge then, is you've got a lot of smart, talented developers with strong opinions. And there's the opportunity- to see issues from a very different perspective, which I'd like think has made the entire global team stronger.

Also- our Slack has a translation bot that hurts as much as it helps. I'm very grateful to our amazing interpreters who keep this crazy train on the tracks!

Sometimes I have a meeting at 7am. I hereby apologize publicly to everybody else in them. I can't help what happens before the coffee kicks in.

Also, there's nothing quite like having another language auto-translated back to you to make you appreciate how quirky your own language is (try moving the word "not" around an English sentence to see what I'm talking about) and how awesome your team of interpreters is!


Originally posted by OdelixFIN


Why did you not make esports vehicle hard spawn locations 100% chance of vehicle spawning in ranked mode?


It's not really my team- but from my perspective, I think ESports functions as "PUBG as a competitive contest" and Ranked is aiming for "perfectly distilled BR experience". And I think a big part of the PUBG BR experience is "no two games the same", and the variety of player stories that come from the world being somewhat unpredictable. I'm sure that's not the answer you were looking for- but I kinda think that's the deal.


Originally posted by Shibbyone

Hey PUBG devs, wanted to say thanks for having a significant number of items on this pass being regular, even tactical skins that breaks from last season’s fortnite-esque look. I’m one of the few people I know that really enjoyed Sanhok pre-update, so I’m looking forward to trying this out.

As an Xbox console player, I would like to see the follow system and frame rate fixes (especially for smoke grenades), any input on that?

I'm glad you dig the skins this pass- we're trying to offer a variety!

So I can't speak specifically on the Smoke Grenade issue (diff team, sorry), I can say from the world team- when we approached this map the philosophy was "leave it better than you found it", meaning players don't care about new content if it plays worse. So every blade of grass, rock, tree, and building has been remade to look better, and be more performance (less verts, smarter, fewer materials, better LODs). Our texture memory, for example, is in a better place from legacy Sanhok. So we are doing our part to save you sweet frames! =)


Originally posted by WithjusTapistol

Will we ever get another special game mode like fantasy royale again? I remember there was a 45 ammo event back when sanhok first came out.

Xbox player. Gamertag WithjusTapistol



Originally posted by vanya_vanf

Hello to all,

Has the optimization of map been improved?




Originally posted by OldBrownWookiee

Hello All! Console player here wondering if the new gliders on Airstrip come with fuel already? Will looting a gas tank be required before flying them as it is now

At the moment, the gliders are Bring Your Own Gas.


Originally posted by HypeBeast-jaku

Not sure if we're supposed to respond here, but Sanhok already has very high loot, I can't imagine this Loot truck offering anything worthwhile that can't be easily found already on Sanhok.

I'll wait till I can play it but seems like a potential "gimmick".

that's all we ask!


Originally posted by blinkgecko182

Was the radio style backpack which ‘Alex the PUBG DEV’ tweeted an image of on twitter simply a great looking backpack or does it have any new or improved traits to the PUBG experience?

Thank you. (PC)

Alex always seems to find things he's not supposed to find.


Originally posted by blinkgecko182

As seen in this upcoming season there are skin set’s dedicated to specific individuals (Mad Malhotra’s, Lunchmeat, Lawan, Julie Skels, & Duncan Salde) will these characters be included with the PUBG lore/storyline?

Thank you. (PC)

That'd be cool if they were.


Originally posted by Lukce

In other games (e.g. LoL) the devs sometime include high ranked players or well-known streamers in the process of making new content. Have you done or would you consider doing something similar in PUBG?

My platform is PC.



Originally posted by lSCO23

Hey, PC Player here.

What kind of process do your team go through when deciding which new features and/or ideas will get added to the game? Is there a voting system, do management tend to decide or is it down the the individual to be trusted with their choice?

Everybody's got a chance to make suggestions. Then those suggestions hit a bunch of different filters like will it be performant, does it truly add something to the game or is it just unnecessary complexity, what's the likelihood of us being able to complete it on schedule, etc. Eventually management has to make the call as to whether something makes the cut or not, but who exactly that is can vary depending on the feature.


Originally posted by dhekos

How did the direction of the remaster take place? Was the team initially onboard with a different tone than the original map?

So here comes some PR speak, but I came up with it during press stuff this week, and I'm proud of it, and I'm gonna keep wheeling it out every time I can:

We wanted the beats to stay the same (between old and new), but the melody to be sweeter!

This really is just normal Sanhok- but polished and improved to the level we've always wanted it to reach.

And 2 years after the fact, all of the artists were ready to take another swing at old content!


Originally posted by SilentBtAmazing

Xbox player here.

My kids are interested in game design, do you have any advice for high schoolers interested in the field?


Make something. Be able to talk about it. Be able to talk about what's good about it, what's bad about it. Be able to talk about what you would do if you had infinite time. Be able to talk about what you threw away. Play other games. Be able to talk about them. Try to figure out why things were done the way they were. Think about what you would do differently. Think about how that would change the game. Maybe rethink about what you would do differently. Make something. Be able to talk about the worst parts of your favorite game. Identify good parts of games you don't like. Also, what Dave and Andre said. That, and make something.


Originally posted by ESM1309

Hello guys! What was the main task your team has when you started working on remaster Sanhok?


For the Design side of things, reviewing a lot of heat map data, player feedback, esports feedback, and our own experiences with building the map the first time around.

From there, working with engineering teams to design our various features, assessing loot distributions to incorporate new content, and working with the environment art teams to build out our new spaces. Design has a hand in just about everything.


Originally posted by KillMotor

Hello (playing on PC),

Will you consider having different outfit for each map?

I mean, I got hundred of clothes, skins,... from all the pass I purchased. It would be so cool if we could have presets for every map (or even just presets and a way to easily switch between them).

Thank you guys!

I know the team has considered this- I think the concern is a balance issue of everyone switching to their tactical outfits to best match each map's color scheme, and I see that argument, but I'm also a big fan of maximizing the player's ability to express themselves in game. I'll pass this feedback up the chain!


Originally posted by x_Infiltrator_x

Hi Devs,

First of all, great work on Sanhok V2, the map looks great and the loot truck is something new to discover. I have the following questions for you:

  • Are there any plans for solving the vertical audio issues?

  • What kind of inspiration do you guys take when developing a new map?

  • Are we gonna see another remaster next or a whole new map?

Looking forward to some answers.

Platform: PC

Great questions- lemme try to hit all 3

  1. Audio team works like demons to get the sound perfect- everything that bothers you, I promise it bothers them 10 times worse.
  2. We're a diverse group of developers- so we draw from a pretty deep well. There's real life location scouting (shout out to Thailand), movies (Apocalypse Now/Only God Forgives), other games (Loot Truck = Loot Goblin from Golden Axe), and just a ton of blue sky conversations. The reality is the opportunity to make games for a living is rare and special, and we all take great pleasure in the process. In fact- when developing THIS MAP, during crazy Covid times- diving into Sanhok has been a great escape from a weird world. We hope that playing it offers a little break from the madness...
  3. They would snipe me through my office window if I told you...

Originally posted by yaboi_JT

Any plans to make the bridges at Quarry breakable? Via a lot of bullets or throwables? [PC]

Whoa, this is a cool idea.


Originally posted by Froddoyo

Will the loot truck on sanhok be replacing the crate drops? I see crates still drop on test server but do you have any plans on cutting the plane crate drops specifically for that map?

Platform: PC

There is no plan to cut the crate drops currently. Loot Truck and crate drops were designed to exist together.

That said we're always monitoring feedback and looking for improvements that can be made to content.


Originally posted by Siannath

Hello, PUBG people. Would you consider bringing back the night setting to several maps in the future?

My platform is PC. Thank you.

100 percent- we love the nighttime too! The main thing, is when (if?) we bring it back, it needs to look and perform well, and offer interesting gameplay implications. If we ever find that balance- we would love to revisit night settings. Thanks for the question!


Originally posted by PUBG_Sword_Saint

Hey guy. I know you've kept competitive play in mind when working on these updates to Sahnok. Would you mind briefly covering some of the changes that were directed at improving the experience for Ranked and Esports?

I went into this a bit lower in the thread, but the main thing was Ranked and Esports players have been on the struggle bus re: traversal and wonky final circles. Shear, 90 degree cliff faces, brutal river crossings, big NW mountain being so unbalanced, these features make it hard to play a fair, competitive game. We want tactics to matter, high ground should be advantageous, but not overwhelmingly so.

So the big focus was re-balancing those engagements to feel a little more fair, and then adjusting areas of the map that weren't seeing enough love (REST IN POWER, COCONUT FARM!).