PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

22 May


Originally posted by rhex1

Yes well opinions. Finish a knocked player, if a empty car rolled over him should you get the kill?

He was knocked by you yes, but you didn't kill him and he could be revived any moment.

Knock does not equal confirmed kill. Knocks are worthless besides the short lived tactical advantage. Use DMR's and shoot till they stop crawling.

Thanks for explaining this u/rhex1 We haven't given you credit for that in mastery since the beginning either.


To share the reasoning behind this... Your rank points get calculated on death, so that when you return to the lobby you can immediately see your rank change. It's based on your personal placement, kills, assists, etc. With that said, it's obviously not ideal and something we'll probably patch in the future. To change it we'll need to delay showing your rank change if there are open groggies.

There are a couple of other things we'll likely change in the future like adding team rank in addition to individual rank to the algorithm.

18 May


Thank you Jimmy for the report!

I've forwarded this to the team.

13 May


I'm having flashbacks

PUBG lion skin had a penis, quickly removed and deemed a 'bug'

12 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


If you've got 2k hours, you'll have met the survival mastery criteria, so don't stress!


Originally posted by [deleted]




a giant f*cking fire breathing jacked as f*ck dragon ass looking kangaroo unicorn is coming next patch


it will be reduced further, speaking to the sound team and will work to get an ETA

11 May


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ YOU'RE A FEW DAYS EARLY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

27 Apr


Thank you Mckaizu for the report!

I've forwarded this to the team.


We've been monitoring queue times and are planning to switch back to Random Map selection only soon, will keep you updated.

26 Apr


Going to chat with the NA team about this on Monday (Sunday US time. If it makes sense to go back to full random ASAP, we can definitely do that.

25 Apr


Originally posted by metaworldpeace10

This is really an embarrassing response given at how awful you guys have treated the community regarding communication, feedback and how long these game-breaking bugs have been in the game for. Maybe instead of snarking at the community for disagreeing with this controversial change, why not actually listen to feedback and apply said feedback to the game for once? Just my 2 cents here.

I definitely respect people being unhappy at this change, but I do want to try explain why we did it and what it means for players.


The end is not near, getting flashbacks to Y2K and that calendar sh*t again guys, come on.

Bots will help with queues, they'll also allow us to ensure better queues for comp mode and potentially explore queue options with more choice, especially for smaller regions.

At the same time, it will greatly help new, more casual and less experienced players as well.

To be honest, new player retention for PUBG isn't great - there are many reasons for that, we need to polish the overall experience of course, no one likes bugs, but a huge part of that churn for new players is due to how difficult the game is.

Bringing in and keeping new players will actually greatly help the longevity of PUBG and at the same time, the hardcore players and ones who want to play more seriously will be able to play comp mode without bots. Bear in mind as well, there'll be less ratio of bots the more you play.

This really should be a win-win. Better experience for newer ...

Read more

24 Apr


Have passed this on to the platform team and will get them to have a look into it.

23 Apr


Originally posted by The_psychotherapist clearly has come to players wanting to do that, per the comment above. Are you saying it shouldn’t have come to players wanting to do that?

it shouldn't be so loud that players want to do that, yeah :)

22 Apr


Hey all, I just spoke to the creative team (who actually had already seen this post and were discussing it) and the videos should be ingame with a reduction in volume compared to the original.

This is either not working as intended, or may need to have the volume reduced further. The team is following up on this as we speak.

I know this has been an issue in past videos as well (last season we reduced the volume on live ASAP a week after release). Sorry!


Originally posted by RoSmuckey

You could get banned for doing that :D

It shouldn't come to players wanting to do that, but if they do, no you of course won't be banned for it


Originally posted by He_Ma_Vi

What is there to discuss? These are extremely obvious issues the developers did not foresee, and unsurprisingly made it through all the non-existent QA and playtesting procedures exclusive to this shitty game developer and all the way through to live builds. Because the developers lack foresight.

If you had wanted to dispute any of my claims or lokifenrir96's claims then we'd have a discussion. If you brought up some insider knowledge from the developers explaining why something just couldn't possibly be done on time or couldn't possibly have been foreseen (lmao) then we'd have a discussion.

But reading you say "yeah you guys are right that's an example of us lacking foresight and yeah you guys are right that's another example of us lacking foresight and yeah you guys are right that's another example of us lacking foresight [..]" isn't a discussion.

If you could elaborate on the pro player point which you raised, and I disputed, that would be appreciated.

If I find it is a fault of ours I will make sure it's heard by the relevant team.