PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

12 Jun


hey - just wanted to say thanks.

05 Jun


Originally posted by hwinn123

I'd like to hear PUBG pitch in to why this happens...most of my friends have a similar distribution. inb4 'bad RNG'

Hi u/hwinn123 I'd like to research your account a bit. Do you mind sending me your in game name? Thanks!


Originally posted by Magic_Leg

Cheers Brian, this is creepy, I am listening to your voice atm on the podcast. Am enjoying what I am hearing. Thanks for everything you are doing!

Midnight here, up reading Reddit. Thank you actually :)


Originally posted by Magic_Leg

Sorry, fat fingers, you know what I mean

Thanks. Hawkinz fixed it up and removed the old Season logo.

04 Jun


Originally posted by IrregularrAF

Is it actually evolving, or is there locks in place until you release Skynet and later Terminator series? Lol

Shhh! We can't take over the world if the skynet plan is revealed too early.


hi u/DVNO I wanted to thank you for calling it out. PVE is evolving! It will continue to evolve!
Always progress.


hey u/IfOnlyIWasADoorknob - Automated anti-cheat systems don't take the number of bot kills into account when they calculate statistical bans.

03 Jun


Love it!


It'll be fixed now, there was an error when uploading the build which caused some files to be removed. The build has been re-uploaded, so should work fine now (although servers are still down for another hour for maintenance).


If you're still experiencing issues with verifying your mobile from Canada, we are trying to gather more data about this internally - could you please provide the following information.

In-game Name:
Mobile Carrier:


01 Jun


Thank you Sarayy for the bug report!

I've forwarded this to the team.


Originally posted by moose_338

I already have a ticket you want me to reply to that or just start fresh?

Edit, I gave them every thing but my carrier when i opened my original ticket and just sent a reply to my original giving them that info. I also sent you reddit chat thingy with the ticket number earlier if you so desire.

Appreciate it! Thank you sir. The team is still looking into this.

30 May


Hey - this is a good question. I’m not ducking it, but we’re going to share quite a lot of details on this in an interview later this week. I think it’s more complete than anything I can type here lol.

28 May


Originally posted by PUBG_Sword_Saint

We do :)


27 May


I've seen a few issues with phones from Canada.. super frustrating.. could you please submit a ticket with our support team and include your carrier, number, account name etc?

We're compiling info on impacted carriers and other consistent identifiers across failed linking attempts to see how we can resolve this.

Sorry you haven't been able to jump in yet!

26 May


Originally posted by RainyRayne

The lack of trees in that area is almost certainly a bug and not intended. The trees were still there post update, they only got deleted last patch.

Yeah, most of these spots will be fixed in a few hours with maintenance

25 May


Originally posted by nox-_

Just shy of 3k hours i discovered today that the addition of bots meant that I could revisit what started my love for PUBG, solo que.

Solo and duo (even squads for a while there) have been completely dead on OCE servers for a long time and outside of peak hours, PUGs or using a VPN is the only way we can play, so i was enjoying some morning solo PUBG, it was almost nostalgic except this time i got to slay bots like no tomorrow.

However after a few games of 95+ bot lobbies my k/d was sitting pretty at 28 with an average damage of ~1000 and before long I was banned for "Unusual gameplay patterns".

I understand this is just an auto ban for the insane amount of kills and maaaaaybe the few other human players reported to help it along, needless to say I'm a bit miffed but ultimately not surprised after being with this game since beta, I really should have seen it coming. I knew that unusually high adr/kd could get you auto banned and of course it still counts w...

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Hey Nox, sorry that this has happened to you, but glad to see our team reviewed it quickly.

I don't have all the details on your ban just yet but a quick chat with the anti-cheat team has revealed that stats based bans shouldn't be taking place when those stats are gained against bots.

We'll have a deeper look and find out what happened.

23 May


Originally posted by Kb3z0n

Thanks for the response. I get the trade off between immediate results vs having to wait. It’s a bit surprising that there isn’t immediate “streaming” of certain important things out of a match to your servers. If anything an intermediate solution could be to say “unofficial results” and provide the official result delayed, so that we at least know they will count once the servers catch up.

All sort of competitive sports do that trade off. “Unofficial result, until all rules have been reviewed”, watch the olympics or racing.

Obviously a lot more to improve per the comments on placement as well due to the individualism introduced by the current model in a squad mode.

Thanks kb3z0n - I don’t want to get into the tech details too much because they can just change, but basically it works like you described. That asides, in spirit there’s no disagreement here. Will change along with some of the other things that players have called out. Some issues we expected, some you just don’t really know how they’ll land until they’re on test or live. Ranked is getting a really great reception, so we’re super happy that the community is sending a clear signal to continue to develop it.

Anyways, part of the fun of ranked is the evolution each Season. We’re really excited to implement feedback into S8 (just a few weeks away). Thanks for the comment!