PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

11 Jun

Originally posted by abracadaver82


Hey man! The most recent patch aimed to resolve the issue. If you believe anything was missed please do let us know with a screenshot or a video clip!

Originally posted by mAlzheimer

Your sound "muffler" option doesnt muffle the sound of the football at the lobby, its annoying when you can mute most of the stuff but the ball BOING goes straight into your brain. Your sound-guys failed yet again at their job.

I've reported it to the relevant team, thank you for reporting the issue!

Originally posted by milky_pichael

please rework the report function/temporary ban system.

it pointlessly punishes any decent players who have a couple decent games in a night, getting banned multiple times a week because of a terrible auto ban system based on an apparently very low number of reports is really pushing me away from this game.

after having my account investigated several times it should be flagged as legitimate or something and require less reports for a ban.

u/PUBG_Hawkinz u/SteveTheHappyWhale u/PUBG_Sheepy

I hear you sir, we will continue forwarding all your feedback. The teams over in the AC department work tirelessly every day to improve the existing systems and processes.

10 Jun


Enjoy Twitch Drops and new El Solitario Racing Mode with PUBG Partners 

Hello Survivors!  

We’d like to offer a very warm welcome to motorcycle brand El Solitario who have entered the Battlegrounds!  

To celebrate our partnership, we’ve teamed up with El Solitario to introduce Desert Wolves –  off-road motorcycles which will be tearing up Miramar. On top of that, players will be able to strut their stuff as they are hunting their Dinners in tailor-made Desert Wolves skin sets. 

Additionally, for a short time only, the deserts of Miramar will play host to our brand new Race Mode where players can challenge each other in off road-races in a variety of vehicle...

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Originally posted by _darzy

mine isnt

Hey, contact our support team reporting the issue and they should be able to help you out!

09 Jun

Hey, thanks for sharing this, I've reported it to the team!

Very nice shots man, I can't wait to get my hands on that gun!

Originally posted by mlgisawsome02

I get those moments where I'm trying to process how to not die when a third party arrives at the same time as fighting someone else

yeah exactly

08 Jun

Originally posted by Another0inthecode

I'm normally a sweaty duos/squad player with over 4000 hours and after a few fun games with a friend today, I decided to try the racing mode. I GOT HOOKED!

I've been into racing games my whole life and this dedicated racing mode á la PUBG put a big smile on my face!

Would love to see this becoming a permanent "Arcade" mode with more tracks for us.

Hey man, glad that you love it!

Hey, thanks for sharing the clip. We are forwarding all sentiment to the relevant teams.