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It reads "Zofia is resilient to all blinding effects". What it should say is "Zofia is not resilient to any blinding effects".

Honestly though, maybe I'm missing something, but I tested it and she is definitely effected by spores, mines, and Protean aoe. It seems like they effect her for a normal amount of time too. So, I'm not sure what's left.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

I've tested this myself after you guys raised it and it definitely appears as if there is no material difference between Zofia and another Operator getting blinded/stunned.

I've captured some footage this morning so will pass it onto the team.

about 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by Ubi-AJ

I've tested this myself after you guys raised it and it definitely appears as if there is no material difference between Zofia and another Operator getting blinded/stunned.

I've captured some footage this morning so will pass it onto the team.

Update to this.

It should be fixed in the next patch.

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