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Soo im trying to do the Alaska missions revealing the stalkers, that somehow stopped becoming invisible, thus making it impossible to complete unless i get the invisivility mutation.
With that mutation active i used the gas+scan grenade on several enemies including stalkers and the armored ones, did NOT work for the mission "reveal 3 enemies that are not stalkers" in the 4th set of study missions in Alaska but did work for weekly scans (accounted for after extraction, somehow obvious but i wanted to make that clear 😉 )
My guess is either it's bugged because i tried to scan an enemy that was made invisible (in a different match without any mutation active) by a stalker.
Will update this if i find out what's going on with this REACT malfunctions! =P

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @yudaoflordran ,

Thank you for reaching out to us and reporting this!

This doesn't appear to be something that's been reported to the team yet.

Would it be possible to share a clip of this behaviour so we can pass it onto the team for a closer look?

Much appreciated!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

No problem at all @yudaoflordran !

We'll be keeping an eye out for any other reports, but of course if you're able to capture it, the team will have something to look into.

And if there's anything else we can help with in the meantime, just let us know!