Original Post — Direct link

I have been wanting to get this game but not sure what platform to get it on because I want to play with my friends on ps5, Xbox and of course I'm a pc guy. I would rather not play on my ps4 and I've heard from a friend, and thought I found an article that said, I need Xbox gamepass in order to play with both xbox and ps5. I was about to reinstall windows to get gamepass as my current OS does not support it and just before i committed to that tedious process I checked to make sure that i was correct in thinking i absolutely needed gamepass. now I can find no such articles, and the official website has no info on that specifically either, but my friend still swears by it. also gamepass is a subscription and i would like to avoid a monthly fee, so my question is this:

In order to play extraction on PC, with friends on Xbox and PS5, do I need to have gamepass or can will simply buying it from epic or Ubisoft connect allow me to play with my console friends?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @moist-scone ,

Cross-play is not subscription specific or bound to Gamepass.

As long as you own the game on any platform, you'll be able to play with others via Cross-Play.

If there's anything more we can answer, please let us know!