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In the begining of some round the weapon keep switching from primary to secondary, I can't do anything, can't run, cant shoot, can't put a gadget... The only "fix" to this is to restart the game.
I noticed that while I press tab for the scoreboard the selected item was the last player, if I scroll in the other sense the selected item was blocked on the first, it seems that the game think that the mouse is constantly scrolling.
I tried to unplug my mouse without any result.

It has been 4 month that I've been playing R6 and I keep having this bug at least once time per session. Please addres it !

I'm not the only one having this problem
over 8 years ago - UbiInsulin - Direct link
Hi guys! Does the issue continue when using different mice or controllers? Does alt + tabbing out of the game do anything to help the issue?

I would recommend opening tickets at https://support.ubi.com regarding this issue. Log in and click Contact Customer Support to do so. Please also attach the two following files. Thank you!
over 6 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Hey Bigg_M, did you create a ticket?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by miller4me
This bug has been going on sense the game came out and even i run into it, here is proof that it happens https://youtu.be/yEImF18yfmY this is from a month ago and i rain into it again today but it is real so plz fix it.
Hey miller4me,

Thanks for reaching out and sending video footage over.

I have watched it and can see exactly what you're referring to, therefore so that we could investigate it further, do you recall what happened prior to it?

Also, as you stated that issue has been out there for a while, could you advise whether there are any particular actions you do in-game that causes it? I can understand that issue doesn't happen all the time however do correct me if I'm wrong.

Finally, what controller setup are you using? Is it mouse and keyboard or is it controller by any chance?

Let us know!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by miller4me
I am using mouse and keyboard and all i did prior to the glitch was spawn and switch to my secondary so I didn't waste my ammo for my primary and i did state that this issue has been out here for a while because i read that some people have ran into it a scene 2015.
Thank you for clarifying this.

Can I check, in the next game did the issue reoccur or is it completely spontaneous?

Do you know what model keyboard and mouse you use?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by miller4me
it will keep happening until i restart the game and i am using HARPOON RGB Gaming Mouse from corsair.
Thank you for clarifying.

When you restart the game are you able to replicate it again or will it be completely spontaneous?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by miller4me
Sometimes it will happen again and sometimes it will stop and wont happen again for a few games
Thank you for clarifying.

I am not sure how linked this will be but do you experience this while using a different keyboard?

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