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Hello, im from South Spain, Andalusia. I usually play in West Europe. But ping to all servers are getting higher.

Like 3 or 4 months ago I used to have 35 - 36 ms on EU WEST.
Yesterday and since these 3 month I jumped to 50 - 53 ms on EU WEST as well.
Today I have from 67 to 70 ms....

I speaked to my ISP (Yoigo Spain, Masmovil group) and they say that connection is okay and that they can not help me further... Im feeling so bad cos I spent a lot of money on this game and I have the feeling that the service is getting worse...

Fellow Spaniard, have you felt an increase on ping? Fellow Europeans, how is your ping doing?

This is also my TRACERT to the EU WEST server I did today compared with yesterday....


Need help! Thank you so much!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by intelntl
Hello, im from South Spain, Andalusia. I usually play in West Europe. But ping to all servers are getting higher.

Like 3 or 4 months ago I used to have 35 - 36 ms on EU WEST.
Yesterday and since these 3 month I jumped to 50 - 53 ms on EU WEST as well.
Today I have from 67 to 70 ms....

I speaked to my ISP (Yoigo Spain, Masmovil group) and they say that connection is okay and that they can not help me further... Im feeling so bad cos I spent a lot of money on this game and I have the feeling that the service is getting worse...

Fellow Spaniard, have you felt an increase on ping? Fellow Europeans, how is your ping doing?

This is also my TRACERT to the EU WEST server I did today compared with yesterday....


Need help! Thank you so much!
Hey guys!

intelntl, after looking at your tracert, it would appear you also have a Double NAT configuration.

We do have an article with some steps to troubleshoot this here which may require you contacting your ISP if you don't have a double router setup in your home.

I'd also advise anyone else having this issue check out this guide if you're aware you have a double NAT configuration.

Otherwise, we have some basic connectivity troubleshooting steps available here, to give a try.

Let us know if there's any change!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by AutumnLemon
Hello, I am a player located in Hong Kong. I have recently came back to the game, only to find that my ping is over 200 despite connecting to the Hong Kong server, while normally it should be around 9-40. My internet speed is at 70-80 Mbps, and other games also show no connection issues. Ping testing sites also have a result of lower than 50 ping on the Hong Kong server, Japan server and the Singapore server, but ingame all servers have over 200 ping. I did restart my router and stop other running applications but the problem still persists. Is there a way to fix this?
Hey AutumnLemon!

I've merged your thread with this one as you're experiencing similar issues, just to keep the Forums tidy!

Please refer to the troubleshooting guides posted in the responses for some next steps to try and just update us here if you're still having any trouble.

Thank you!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by BlackPhoeniX..
As I say, they don't accept their fault...
Hey there,

I merged the 2 threads you posted in as they are linked and had been responded to to help keep things tidy.

Any trouble let us know.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by intelntl
Today I reached the maximum: 80 ms. This is ridiculous, I used to play with 35 ms....
Hey intelntl!

Thanks for the update and I am sorry to hear about this.

I have reviewed your ticket and can confirm that there was an update sent a moment ago, therefore have a look when you get a chance and keep us updated.

Originally Posted by BlackPhoeniX..
And today I saw the maximum value 90 ping too.. I was getting 45... I am waiting you fix that problem since 23 June... I also opened a case that numbered "11978942". I added what you need in that case and noone answered me since 8 days...
Hey BlackPhoeniX..!

I have checked the ticket you're referring to and can see that it's in the right hands, so you should be able to receive your response fairly quickly. Apologies about the delay in the meantime, as I can appreciate the urgency for the matter, and thank you for your patience in the meantime.

Should you have any questions, let us know!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by BlackPhoeniX..
Thank you for answered. Yes, I did what I can do to find my problem and sent you. I am looking forward to fix the issue, I hope you fix as soon as possible. Because I am waiting almost since 2 months. Have a nice job. Thanks again.
No worries at all there, we will do our best to get this resolved for you.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by BlackPhoeniX..
Ofc I can share, I opened a new case to be up to date my issue in Ubisoft Support. Now It's still same for me, nothing changed. Maybe We should try to contact Azure Support too? What do you think?
Hey BlackPhoeniX..,

I can see your ticket is in the correct hands and there will be a response to this soon.

Thank you for your patience!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello everyone, I am sorry to see you are being affected by Ping and that for a lot of you the connectivity troubleshooting did not help you with this issue.

As some of you may believe this is related to our servers, would you mind answering the following questions for us when posting so that we may compile some reports about this for outr team to investigate.

Can I please ask you all the following questions -

- When did you notice this first started affecting you?
- What region do you live in?
- Who is your internet service provider?
- Are you using wired ethernet or WIFI?
- What kind of router do you use - make/model/serial no.?

Thank you for your help with this.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by BlackPhoeniX..
I had the issue since Steel Wave released.
I live in Turkey but border of Bulgaria so I am geographically in Europe.
I know my IP adress but I am not sure to tell you it. (Safe or not Idk)
My ISP is Turknet.
I am using wired connection.
My router is Zyxel VMG1312-B10D.
I also opened ports.
In my opinion, the issue is on your hand because there is something wrong about configuration. After the global rank system came with Steel Wave released, you changed something about configurations of your servers. But unfortunatelly I can't prove it. We all did not change our connection settings or our ISPs did not change anything about our connections. I hope before the Shadow Legacy release, you fix your servers' configurations.
Note: I closed my case in your support website because I really tired to explain the issue... The only thing I'll say, It's on your hand with your Microsoft Azure partners...
Originally Posted by intelntl
- When did you notice this first started affecting you?

>Like 5 or 6 months ago.

- What region do you live in?

>Granada, Andalusia, Spain. (South of Spain, Europe)

- What is you IP address if you know it?


- Who is your internet service provider?

>Yoigo. (Masmovil group). https://www.yoigo.com/

- Are you using wired ethernet or WIFI?


- What kind of router do you use - make/model/serial no.?

Hi guys, thank you for sending this over.

Would it be possible to send us this information privately by opening a support ticket, this will then allow you to send your ip address also to help us investigate.

I have removed your ip address from this post intelntl for security reasons