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I just connected my old account from 5 years ago but now i cant play r6 cause of an authentication problem were they cant find out the ownership of the game

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

@RapierAlarm61 Hi there welcome to Discussions! An authentication error usually occurs if the Ubisoft account that is logged into your Ubisoft Connect game launcher is not the same account that originally activated your game. As you mention this error when logged into an old account I can recommend to try to log back into any other account you were last able to play the game on. If this error continues to show please reach out on our Help site to create a ticket for our teams to take a closer look into your account. 😊

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Boost - Direct link

@SarentoCHEESE Hey, welcome to Discussions! I'm sorry to hear your having this issue as well. Just as @Ubi-Havoc explained previously, this error usually means that you're logged into a different Ubisoft account than the one you originally activated the game on. I recommend making sure you're logged into the Ubisoft account with the game activated. If you continue to get the authentication error, please create a Support ticket so that we can look into this further.

@AST-Redux Can you please create a Support ticket as well? This is something we'd certainly like to take a closer look into.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

Hi there @AST_Redux. By any chance is your 2nd Ubisoft account the similarly named one in this thread from above? If so, you will need to have your Xbox profile linked to the Ubisoft account that also has your PC game activated. If you have your PC game on one Ubisoft account and your Xbox linked to a 2nd, different Ubisoft account the cross-progression will not be able to work.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @ilici7ana and welcome to our forums!

Your progression is tied to your Ubisoft account, so if you previously linked your PSN account to another Ubisoft account, the progress will be synced there. So please make sure you've got the right account linked on your profile settings page 😊

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@Spitfire4747 Hey there, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I see there is a new update on your case, so please check that out when you get a chance.