over 4 years
ago -
Direct link
Hello Bambeereq, thanks for posting.
Ashen_folk is correct in that your location will affect your connectivity to the game, based on how close you are to our servers.
That being said, depending on which platform you may find the following troubleshooting guides useful to improve your connectivity -
PS4 - https://ubi.li/12soI
XB1 - https://ubi.li/dy5LX
PC - https://ubi.li/YPwnl
You can also test your ping and internet speed using either of these two websites, here -
www.speedtest.com / www.azurespeed.com
The recommended bandwidth speed to play the game is ideally 256 kbps.
Ashen_folk is correct in that your location will affect your connectivity to the game, based on how close you are to our servers.
That being said, depending on which platform you may find the following troubleshooting guides useful to improve your connectivity -
PS4 - https://ubi.li/12soI
XB1 - https://ubi.li/dy5LX
PC - https://ubi.li/YPwnl
You can also test your ping and internet speed using either of these two websites, here -
www.speedtest.com / www.azurespeed.com
The recommended bandwidth speed to play the game is ideally 256 kbps.