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Me and my friend are trying to play R6, but we both get this message. Reinstalled ubisoft connect and didn't work...

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Verse - Direct link

@G2MenLover Hi there and welcome to the forums 😊

I am sorry to read that you are having problems playing with your friend!

Could you please try what @ShagsterSpade mentioned (thanks for that 👍) and see whether that helps?


about 2 years ago - Ubi-Verse - Direct link

Hi everyone 😊

I am sorry to read that you are having the same problem!

@born-corp I am glad you managed to resolve this! Thanks for sharing what helped you 👍

@Coilbox and @rcelen Could you give that a try as well?

Let me know whether that helps or not. If not, I will forward your reports to the team 🙂

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey guys,

Apologies for the delay!

Thanks for noting this is resolved @born-corp !

Just confirming this is still the case and the issue hasn't cropped back up at all?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-oof - Direct link

Hi everyone! I'd like to look into this further and see if I can help. For any other players who are encountering this problem, please take the time to test the following workarounds first:

  • Queue for a match then un-queue right away (quickest workaround)
  • Reinstall Ubisoft Connect then re-login

If you have tested one workaround please try the other and if this still occurs after that, please do follow up about this issue but replying in this thread to let us know🐙

about 2 years ago - Ubi-oof - Direct link

@born-corp Just to confirm, has this issue occurred again since you tested the workaround?

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@bahram-ffx Hey there, I'm sorry to hear you're also running into this issue. Were you able to try the steps suggested by Ubi-oof?

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