about 5 years
ago -
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UPDATE: If you are missing season pass content, operators, or other purchased content in Rainbow Six: Siege, please refer to this support article about the limits of content sharing.
* * * * *
We are currently investigating reports of missing content on PS4 and Xbox One.
In the meantime, please check that you are trying to access the content from the account you have purchased it on.
An issue was recently corrected that allowed more content than intended.
Xbox players can share Year Pass Operators with profiles on the same console, but not additional purchases.
PS4 players cannot share any content.
If you are sure you are not sharing the content from a different account, please let us know exactly which items or operators you are missing by contacting us via our support website or social media:
- Support Case
- Live Chat
- Facebook
- Twitter
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
* * * * *
We are currently investigating reports of missing content on PS4 and Xbox One.
In the meantime, please check that you are trying to access the content from the account you have purchased it on.
An issue was recently corrected that allowed more content than intended.
Xbox players can share Year Pass Operators with profiles on the same console, but not additional purchases.
PS4 players cannot share any content.
If you are sure you are not sharing the content from a different account, please let us know exactly which items or operators you are missing by contacting us via our support website or social media:
- Support Case
- Live Chat
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.