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Hey ,
I have been playing siege on Pc from a long time never i have ever had server issue since the arrival of me-south-1 server i can’t connect yo my default UAE north servers where i had 70ms ping but now i am automatically connected to me-south-1 where i have 150 pings its so annoying I can’t even explain all my friends play on 60ms but i have 150 as soon as it connects to uae north servers by mistake my ping are normal so i play 1 game on 60 ms then 3 to 4 games on 150ms so plis resolve my issue i am fed up of this aws server of me-south-1 which is bahrain

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

Hey there, I do apologize for this inconvenience - how long have these issues been occurring for you?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello everyone, thanks for the replies and for bringing this issue of changing MENA servers to our attention.

Our server locations for Siege are as follows >>

US East / US Central / US South Central / US West / Brazil South
EU West / EU North / South Africa North
Asia East / Asia South East / Japan East
Australia East
UAE north
We are in the process of upgrading all of our Rainbow Six: Siege servers to improve the overall connection quality and stability across all of our data centres, so some of these servers may be unavailable.

By default, you will be connected to one of the 3 datacentres above that have the best ping for your location. This may mean being connected to a datacentre, not necessarily where you currently live.

If you would like to change your data centre to another location, please follow our guide > https://ubi.li/5aG7a

Please note, when you follow the guide above, if you are currently connected to a Gamelift server, you are unable to change your datacentre, only players connected to our Playfab servers are able to change their datacentre currently.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello Asd-Game thank you for your reply.

Can you let me know if you have actually the option to switch to UAE North, when you check your data centre options in the GameSettings.ini file? > https://ubi.li/5aG7a

Can you also let me know if your server information says you are connected to a Gamelift server or Playfab server please, or can you copy your data center information into this thread, as I am currently trying to gather as much information as possible on this for our SIege team.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

Thank you for your reply. With it set to playfab/uaenorth does it still not connect correctly?

Have you tried deleting the file, verifying the game files, and trying again?

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @Atreus, welcome to forums and thank you for your input!

I take it that you are having the exact same issue, therefore if this is the case indeed, can I check if you've tried setting the file to 'Read-Only'? Also, I take it that it can be either of the two, therefore if this is the case indeed, does restarting the game help? Finally, do you happen to be using VPN by any chance?

Let us know and we will take it from there.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@justbefriendly Hello there! Have you been able to attempt to manually set your data center?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@grosseaubergin3 Sorry to hear this! Have you tried to delete the file, then verify your game files to see if you can try again?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello everyone thanks for getting in touch with us about the various data centres you are being connected to, regardless of changing the gamesettings.ini file and selecting your datacentre manually.

You will normally be connected to one of the 3 data centres/servers that have the best ping for your location. Details of how to select your preferred server can be found in this guide > https://ubi.li/5aG7a

If you are currently connected to an Amazon Gamelift server, you will be unable to manually select your server, only players connected to our Playfab servers are able to change their datacentre currently.

If one of these servers you have selected is at full capacity for that game mode, or there are not enough players connected to that server, or that server is affected by any degradation or outages, you may be connected to a different server.

If however every time you go to play a different game mode, you are connected to a server, which is not the one you selected in your gamesettings.ini file, this is not normal. If this is your current situation, please get in touch with us over a private support case about your server issue as we need to document a rise in cases after checking your account and ISP details, then forward this to our Siege team. you can contact us about this here > https://www.ubisoft.com/help/contact