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So I was just playing Siege today at 10:21 pm U.S eastern time. I was in an Unranked match with a friend of mine. We had many errors pop up when trying to join a match until finally it loads through and we are put into a match. Theres a little bit of lag but not enough to be too big of a deal, whatever. But in the third round of our match, I was suddenly suspended for abandoning a match that I was still playing in, and played through till it was 4 to 4 and we lost. Im a little disappointed for this penalty appearing, but whatever. The reason I am posting this here is not because I want to be salty or anything. Im posting this here so that Ubisoft can review this and do.... something... so that this doesnt happen again to myself or other people.


over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link

Sorry to hear you got an abandonment sanction. We don't have the ability to remove these though unfortunately and are also unable to add any mmr to accounts. I apologise for the inconvenience.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
@ blackjack4248, @blockblood720 - Sorry to hear that.

If you're still experiencing issues with disconnecting, please let us know the platform you're playing on.

Regretfully, we are unable to overturn temporary bans.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Houck - Direct link
Originally Posted by V1b3_Dreams
Hello i just got banned for playing casual
I was playing with my friends and out of nowhere we got a suspend for ranked and unranked while we were playing casual and i got a 24 hour ban
and yesyer the same thing
Sorry to hear that, V1b3_Dreams!

Did you get disconnected first? If so, what was the error code on that?

Was this a one off or have you encountered this before?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello BaIIstein and Gr3y-5anctuary, thank you for posting about this.

I am sorry that you were received an abandonment penalty for leaving matchmaking, we are unable restore any lost MMR points as this is generated and removed automatically by the game and we are unable to lift temporary sanctions.

Sometimes if you abandoned a match right before it was due to start or if you disconnected from a match in a previous game, the server may take some while to synchronize and has been known to give an abandonment later on in the game after finishing synching this data from the game back up with the server.

If you need to wait longer then 5 minutes to find a match, please do not attempt to rejoin a match in progress and instead reset your router and relaunch the game to re-establish your connection to prevent this happening again.