RAM Pressure

RAM Pressure Dev Tracker

15 Sep


Good News, Redditors!

Early Access has ended and the game has been released. Thank you so much for your support and feedback during Early Access.

Over the past year, the game has completely changed and acquired a finished look. With your help, we were able to bring it to its current state, and we really like the result. We believe the game has survived its first childhood illnesses and is ready to experience an open world.


However, for us this doesn't mean that the work on it is completed. We still have many plans to improve the project. And we'll implement them in the form of regular free updates.

An approximate list of the nearest planned improvements:

  • Character customiz...
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Originally posted by XxAhmedxX92

Hi RamPressure team,

I can understand how this is exciting for all of us, but I would like to suggest to postpone the end early access stage as still the game has a lot of bugs, It would affect on the new users as it sometimes drives me crazy. and I am regular user.

Please Keep it Up,

Thank you and Regards

uld affect on the new users as it sometimes drives me crazy. and I am regular user.

Hi! We made a fresh update with bug fixes today!


Hey, Redditors!

Patch Notes 15/09/2021

  1. Improved knife functionality. Now the enemy can be attacked at a distance, and the distance is limited by the fighter's movement radius. When choosing a target, you can choose the angle from which the knife will go
  2. All players who registered before the update will be given a badge for participating in the OBT
  3. Fixed some freezes during the battle after the last update
  4. Fixed bugs in localization
  5. Minor GUI fixes
  6. Minor bug fixes on maps
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08 Sep


Originally posted by Slow_Excuse_2232

в какое время заходить что бы играть в пвп?(ситавил галочку что бы кидало с игроками других уровней)
или хотя бы пройти миссию на 2 игрока. застрял в сюжетке* просто из за того что не могу пройти 2 эти миссии_другие не ткрываются
и есть ли игроки воообще онлайн?! нет элементарно даже чата что бы договорится с кем нибудь

Здравствуйте! На нашем канале в Дискорд Вы можете договориться, чтобы найти себе напарников!


Good News, Everyone!

After an exhaustingly long Early Access period, RAM Pressure is finally ready for release. The date of the update of the game to the release version and the transition from the Early Access stage to the full release is set on September 15, 2021. There will be no wipe, so all the achievements from the Early Access in the game will be saved.


Last year, with your help, we have devoted to improving the game: testing hypotheses, improving core gameplay, debugging balance, economics, optimization. A lot of new content has been added to the game, coo...

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Originally posted by XxAhmedxX92

Why You fixed the power shield :(, it was a helpful skill against super powerful AI, Dam, now I need my 4th elite heavy lol,

Plus now Heavy units are not moving to their maximum walking distance, even through It shows in Orange, never mind that until I confirm it again.

thank you for you update, but give power shield another thinking against AI and fix the AI super accuracy and range, it's very annoying,

also I would like to suggest to make auto open for selected quantity of containers, I got 90+ and its painful to open 1 by 1,

another thing maybe its good idea if you add the benefits of base structures to mercenaries.

please Keep it up RAM PRESSURE TEAM

auto open for selected quantity of containers

Hi! Thank ya! As for auto open for selected quantity of containers - sure we plan to make it easier!

07 Sep


Hey, Redditors!

  1. New missions and research of the story campaign are available
  2. Now, if a fighter has an item with a trait equipped, then the description of the skill will take into account the features of the equipment
  3. Now, after using the "Attitude under hypnosis" skill, the fighter, from whom the stun was removed, will recover AP
  4. Now in contracts of "Expert" difficulty there are fewer reinforcements, but bots are slightly stronger, and the number of bots in one reinforcement can be from 3 to 5
  5. Reduced repair cost by 15%-20%, depending on the rarity and rank of the weapon
  6. Changed the distribution of bonuses by levels of base modules (Hangar, Operational Headquarters, Science Center). The total value of bonuses remains the same
  7. Fixed a bug when the skill "Volley" at a long distance couldn't deal damage
  8. Fixed a bug when the skill "Power shield" worked longer than one turn
  9. Fixed a bug when the cr...
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11 Aug


Hey, Redditors!

Patch Notes 10/08/2021


  1. Added a new experimental game mode "Co-op 2x2". This mode includes a PvP battle of 4 players in two teams, 2 operatives for each player. The contract for entering this mode is available on the map after completing the mission "CHAPTER 3. The Object"
  2. Implemented a system of friends and a mechanism for inviting friends to cooperative and PvP "2x2" missions
  3. The post-battle healing system for operatives has been abolished. Your fighters no longer need healing after the end of the match, including all types of PvP activities and rating battles. Operatives always leave after a battle with full health, even if they were conditionally killed in a battle. Due to this compensating changes were made to the economy:
  4. Equipment repair cost has been increased by approximately 30%, depending on the quality of the equipment
  5. Cash rewards for PvE missions have been redu...
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Originally posted by S0ul_Snatcher

Когда обновление выйдет? Вроде ещё месяц назад слышал "на днях"...

Сейчас стартуют технические работы по установке нового патча!


Originally posted by S0ul_Snatcher

Когда обновление выйдет? Вроде ещё месяц назад слышал "на днях"...

Да, к сожалению, переносится из-за технических проблем:(

26 Jul


Originally posted by Severyanin2020

привет, где добыть инопланетное оружие? модули для него у меня есть, а само оружие ни разу не видел в игре ни в магазине ни из ящиков

Скоро будет в игре!:) Следите за обновлениями.

17 Jul


Originally posted by OVelikiy

нет с официального сайта качал игру

Пожалуйста, сразу после возникновения проблемы, пришлите нам лог файлы с Вашей конфигурацией РС на [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Они находятся здесь: c:\Users\ИмяПользователя\AppData\LocalLow\GDT\RAMPressure\

14 Jul


Originally posted by WERSMIT

В следующем патче будут разблокированы следующие сюжетные миссии!

КОГДА ЖДАТЬ ПАТЧ? И как пройти корпоратив?

Здравствуйте! Патч планируем выпустить на этой неделе либо на следующей. Какие проблемы у Вас в кооперативе?


Originally posted by OVelikiy

Здравствуйте у меня возникли технические проблеммы с игрой во время прохождения миссий компьютер выключается и на кнопку включения не реагирует некоторое время, в других играх такой проблеммы нет

Здравствуйте! Скажите, пожалуйста, Вы играете в СТИМ?

04 Jul


Originally posted by HurricaneSkip

If this is going to be a primarily PVP game I'll find something else. I liked the game play and storyline but I'm not big on PVP

In the next patch the next story missions will be unlocked!


Originally posted by HurricaneSkip

In my case there was a "COLOSSAL" advantage in my opponents favor. His or Her 1st two agents one shot all four of mine I never even got to my turn.

Please send such bugs and oddities directly from the game to us using the CTRL + ALT + B button combination. Screenshot and log files will be added automatically. We'll check everything.

24 Jun


Hey, Redditors!

We fixed a bug and brought back those mercenaries who died after the last update. Although it was said that there will be no more deaths. We apologize for any inconvenience caused!

External link →

Originally posted by HurricaneSkip

When fighting PvP in the initial ranking My level 9 against a level 174 hardly seems fair, and no I did not select unrestricted.

Hi! In matchmaking, it's not the level that decides. There the strength of the squad matters, which develops depending on the equipment of the fighter.
Before matchmaking, it's written that the search is for the closest opponent in strength. It's clear that he is unlikely to find a direct equal opponent now, but it's unlikely to have a colossal advantage.
Players often look at the opponent's level, which is a mistake.

22 Jun


Originally posted by Twee_Licker

I mean like the option of playing multiple 'commanders' as it were, it does seem the intro offers a different starting loadout and offer a different 'hero' character as it were depending on who you choose.

Sorry, we do not plan it.

13 Jun


Originally posted by Twee_Licker

Are we going to get the option of multiple playthroughs? For those of us who may want play out one faction completely.

Are we going to get the option of multiple playthroughs? For those of us who may want play out one faction completely.

Hi! What do you mean by multiple playthroughs? The option to change your faction? We plan to realize it soon!