Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

22 Feb

20 Feb

19 Feb


No “Amen Break when a suspect blinks”?!?

16 Feb

14 Feb

10 Feb


Originally posted by hellletloose94

so no updates about the actual game development? jesus.


09 Feb


Francis Bacon type vibes

07 Feb

03 Feb


Keyboards go brrr

31 Jan

30 Jan


interesting bug. they definitely do have limited ammo resources and should've reloaded


ok we shall revert.

but in all seriousness, things get worse before they get better, that's game development.

basically the suspect ai are now too smart for the swat ai to handle. we've given them new behaviors that swat don't know how to respond well to. we didn't have the time to work on them for the adam update as it was a mountain of a task to complete. we in fact didn't touch the swat ai code, and it shows. they didn't get dumber per se, but the difference in intelligence relative to the updated suspects are now too great that swat appears to be dumber than they were before when we never updated their behavior (aside from bug fixes, etc.)

in our playthroughs, swat were decently holding up against suspects, and thats all that mattered for the adam update, until we get around to improving them

Also what do you mean by this?

They are unable to do anything anymore

this is untrue. but i've also seen some m...

Read more

29 Jan


Originally posted by mrhsx

Is there anything preventing the modders from implementing this currently?
If yes, can we at least work on that so the modding community can take up the mantle

No. Only we can do it. We need to program the logic in

26 Jan

25 Jan

24 Jan