Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Originally posted by mudbudaa

Scarab will break down after day 2, don't let it happen

Scarab has been around longer than you've been Champion I, so I'm not too worried about the ol' Battle-Car in this scenario. :D


Originally posted by username4572957

i feel its excessive because I’ve literally seen people get banned for saying “mac and cheese really isn’t that good”

That was a photoshop. No one has or ever will be banned for saying that.

As iggy mentioned, your option for appealing bans is to contact our Customer Care team at

08 Sep


Originally posted by Haseen_Bhasin

It's a scarab, you'll miss the shot


03 Sep


Originally posted by Chewie_i

While it’s nice they are cracking down on toxic behavior, it’s dumb that saying the word “f**k” can get you a 72 hour ban on first offense. I think they need to strike a balance between the old and current system.

it’s dumb that saying the word “f*ck” can get you a 72 hour ban on first offense.

Hello! This is not the case. With a word like f$%k, you need to be reported in several different matches in a short period of time. And if you are punished, the first offense here would be a 24-hour chat ban. We've always treated "creative language" differently than slurs like the one referenced in OP's story.

02 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

What will this mean in terms of ranked 1s distribution?

Nothing specific. The numbers under the hood change to be better standardized. 1v1 doesn't get squished as much as 2s or 3s, and it still has narrow skill tiers than other queues.


Originally posted by HoraryHellfire2

(Skip this paragraph Corey) For those wondering, the MMR value that Corey is referring to is not the same value as the MMR you currently know and use. The value you use is currently called "Skill Rating". The actual MMR value is much smaller. So the "oldMMR" of 75 is actually around 1600 Skill Rating now (100 rating above GC).

For Corey: Is the "Target MMR" prioritized to be around Gold 3 for each playlist? Or in Extra Modes is it planned for something higher than Gold 3 due to the sheer lack of MMR inflation that wouldn't be offset enough by it?

It's a little more complicated than just being "around" Gold 3.

  • The Median is around Gold 3 for each playlist. This and the Squish Factor are the only values that affect inflation.

  • The Target varies more (at least this time) because playlists like Extra Modes are currently more divergent. All Target effectively does is "recenter" the playlist. For instance, if Duel is currently centered around 18 MMR and Standard is 25, this will recalibrate Duel's skill curve to a similar 25 MMR midpoint without impacting the actual "squish" behavior.


Originally posted by HoraryHellfire2

I agree about the relying on it for maneuvers. I actually use it for slowing my momentum that much more when not boosting to get a softer touch on the ball to air dribble or to immediately flip reset after. It's also quite useful to descend faster with no boost and needing to recover. It can also be used in tandem with the Musty Flick/Breezi Flick to change the position ever so slightly.

I don't think it should be removed. But if you do decide to disable it for being bound to the same key, maybe implement an option to allow the behavior through, depending on how complex it is to do so.

Agreed, this is why we didn't touch it for now, but if it proves to be a problem, we will certainly make it configurable.


Originally posted by HoraryHellfire2

How will the soft reset work exactly? Is it similar to Season 4's where it was quite aggressive at pulling people back (Champion --> Platiunum) or is it closer to our current soft reset of only those above C3 Div 1 gets pulled down to C3 Div 1?



Edit: With the information Corey gave below, I estimated how the soft reset/squish will work for the 3v3 playlist. Don't assume that it is the same for other playlists though.

How will the soft reset work exactly? Is it similar to Season 4's where it was quite aggressive at pulling people back (Champion --> Platiunum) or is it closer to our current soft reset of only those above C3 Div 1 gets pulled down to C3 Div 1?

It is not as aggressive as the Season 4 reset, but is more active across the entire skill curve to "squish" towards the middle. This helps mitigate inflation on the top end, and keeps the low end cleaner for true newbies.

NewMMR = TargetMMR + (OldMMR - MedianMMR) * SquishFactor

The function of TargetMMR is to recalibrate certain playlists with odd distributions towards a more consistent median with other queues. These values are different per playlist, but the SquishFactor is generally between 80-90%. There is also a "cap" based on the Grand Champion I threshold for each playlist that you can't go above post-reset.

For 3v3 Standard, MedianMMR is 25 and Targ...

Read more

Originally posted by TsuyoshiPSER

But braking mid air slows you down slightly, doesn't it? Was that just an oversight? Doesn't seem like something that'd fit as a default bind.

It is not an oversight, it is a conscious tradeoff choice given how slight the effect is and how many hours of play it takes before it becomes noticeable (for many people who use LT binding already for Air Roll, it is clearly not a major handicap)


Originally posted by thomassauresrex1

Doesn't L2 actually slightly slow you down in the air though? (According to this video - so you'll be affecting your air speed by having brake and air roll on the same button

L2 has a very, very, very slight effect in air. We don't feel this will meaningfully impact the vast majority of users, and players concerned about it can simply rebind the key.

If we observe some kind of statistically significant win rate differential between default keybinds and non-default, we will take that seriously for sure.

We can also remove the subtle "air brake" behavior, or disable it when Air Roll is bound to the same key, but we elected to leave it alone for now given some players likely rely on it for particular maneuvers.


Originally posted by Zaydax

Hey Devin, 4 quick questions:

1) Will we also be seeing the updated demo physics that you guys tried out a while back?

2) Will other existing bodies use the Merc hitbox? Like Road Hog?

3) How will titles and rewards differentiate season # is the number is being reset?

4) Any reason you guys didn't use Super champ 1-3 and keep grand champ at the top?

Will we also be seeing the updated demo physics that you guys tried out a while back?

Nothing concrete to share on this, but we're still looking into fine-tuning ideas.

Will other existing bodies use the Merc hitbox? Like Road Hog?

Merc is it for now!

How will titles and rewards differentiate season # is the number is being reset?

We'll reveal more on that once we're closer to the end of Season One, but the Titles will be different from the previous seasons, yes!

Any reason you guys didn't use Super champ 1-3 and keep grand champ at the top?

I think we wanted to try something fresh, and with the term supersonic being part of Rocket League vocab already, it's a great fit. :D


Originally posted by SACRED_SNAIL

These look to be some solid improvements! Why change L2/LT default to air roll though? L1/LB seems to be way more common among the player base.

Picking a default is tricky because there is no clear consensus among players or even internally about the "best" choice, and opinions are often contradictory.

In this case, we feel L2/LT is the easiest place for new players to utilize Air Roll because it doesn't require them to take their finger off of Brake. It's relatively common to use your Index finger on L2/R2 and this binding means you can slowly learn to air roll without having to adjust finger positioning.

There is a segment of players who really like using L1/R1 for things like Air Roll, Boost, etc. but in testing we found toggling between L2/L1 or using "claw grip" is not natural for a lot of people.


Originally posted by Adnando

Remember this comment when RLCS X final is an all Merc affair

Remember this comment when RLCS X final is an all Merc affair

Honestly, would love to see it. :D


Originally posted by venmome1dollar

Fun fact after 5 years you still cannot save the replay from the championship match in season mode in RL /u/psyonix_devin

O_O will take a look

28 Aug


Originally posted by painlessblade

u/psyonix_devin - a good suggestion, just didnt want it getting lost without someone seeing it

Thanks for tagging me, and thanks for the suggestion OP!!!

26 Aug


Originally posted by RaunchyRaccoon

The market is about to go absolutely bananas. RLCS going to crash and jump right back up, zombas and dueling dragons and BM’s about to tank Wow. Stock up boys and girls! So many new blue prints RIP to getting those super valuable ones.

Something something STONKS joke.


Originally posted by Kevin_something

Are we gonna be able to trade up items that we bought from the store?

Are we gonna be able to trade up items that we bought from the store?
