Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

11 Jun


Thanks for the memes and feedback, all. We did a lighting pass on Salty Shores to help reduce the brightness on the map as part of the last update. It's always going to be a bit brighter than some of our other maps due to the setting.

We'll have more to share on alt versions of Salty Shores soon.


Originally posted by Sukigu

I think everyone is missing the point. It's been known for a long time that you can enter the Konami code and it'll unlock the Moai antenna, but the logo is clearly badly scaled and it's off-center. It probably has to do with the new temporary Radical Summer logo.

It might be a good idea to tag /u/Psyonix_Devin, but I doubt this will be very high priority to fix.

Fixed in our next planned update.


Originally posted by big_boy_lil

Hey Devin, do the blockbuster/culture/television categories rotate? Or will they eventually all be open at once?

They rotate, so Blockbusters is first, and so on. The redemption period at the end will allow you to pick up any items you might have missed, though.


Originally posted by DetroOps

Hi dirkened!


10 Jun


Hi folks, this will be fixed in the next phase of Radical Summer.


Originally posted by 55North

Figured it made more sense to asked the rocket league subreddit, not AITA

J/K man, just a big fan of that subreddit. :D


Wrong subreddit XD --

EDIT: NAH -- demos are a part of the game


Originally posted by 37214

How about a "Truffle Shuffler" title? 😬

You're close... :D


Originally posted by ledhotzepper

Also confused on this. And I want truffle shuffle engine audio 😂.

truffle shuffle

... :)


Originally posted by pereira2088

question: are Culture and Television getting the same currency (Tapes) as Blockbusters? or are gonna be different?

Same currency, yes, and Cassettes won't disappear until one week after the final phase ends.


Originally posted by The_Stiggy_One

Is it 99 cassettes per day or some shit? I can't get anymore.

Edit: Don't just downvote, please answer me. E2 :ty

There's no limit to how many Cassettes you can earn per day.


Originally posted by [deleted]


No tone, just surprised. We understand that players are upset about the change in Standard boost since the last update, however, we cannot delay an event that has not only been marketed on multiple platforms but is also tied in with multiple third-party licensed contracts. That being said, we are addressing this issue in the next update, however, we do not have an ETA yet.


Originally posted by ytzi13

I see people talking about a crate that isn't out yet, so I assume it's going to be part of that.



Originally posted by Unrulygam3r

I'm wondering why it wasn't hot fixed days ago

I'm wondering why it wasn't hot fixed days ago

We definitely appreciate everyone's passion for the Standard and Alpha Boosts, but this bug only surfaced five days ago. We're going to fix it in our next update.


Originally posted by 1point7GPA

All I want is the crate. Glad to see it isnt out yet.



Originally posted by SteelVinicius

How can u release the event, and not fix the standard boost?

Are you suggesting that we hold off the event until Standard boost is changed back?

07 Jun


Originally posted by hjsdfhogj

No I was referring to the game chat. If I type in “c u next Tuesday” the chat is censored. Please tell me who reported that. Someone clearly just googled trash talk and put them in the filter. That or you used urban dictionary

Without context, "poop" is not censored in Party Chat, only as a Club Tag. If you have screenshots that prove otherwise, I will be happy to look into them.


Originally posted by joyrida12

Late to the party but have noticed this since at least the previous update. Yeah, I know, I'm slacking..

Hey there, when you disable Weather Effects option, you are removing the rain effects that appear around your car. This means that the effects outside of the field will still be present.


Originally posted by hjsdfhogj

Wow the new censoring is pretty stupid. You can say crap but not poop? Like you guys genuinely censored the word poop? What’s next? If someone says I gotta take a dump you’re gonna ban them for 2 weeks?

Hey there, I believe you are talking about Club Tag filtering?

If so, this filter was set following trends of Club Name and Tag abuse. As we track Club reports, we analyze the top reported clubs in order to understand what the community believes is acceptable and what isn't.