Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

07 Jun


Originally posted by CumFartPrincess

Hi everyone, today I'm experiencing fps jumps that I didn't have yesterday. It's like the game is running smooth but there's a freeze for a second and comes back to normal, this happens every 20 secs or so, making it very hard to hit the ball sometimes. It's only been happening today, can it be an issue with my PC?

If you haven't already, I would try reaching out to our Customer Care team over at

In the meantime, it may be worth it to try and do a clean installation of new GPU drivers.


Originally posted by mrbojenglz

The Shields that should be in front of my goal are put on the opponents goal instead.


Logs: None


Thanks for the report. Do you notice if this only happens on Underpass or if it affects other fields as well?


Originally posted by Mathies_

I just had a game where the scoreboard wasn't shown. Anyone else has had this issue?

Do you have a screenshot or logs from this match?


Originally posted by everyman50

Will Rocket League go to Stadia, google's gaming platform?

We have no plans to share about introducing Rocket league to Stadia.


NGL I was really excited about getting bug info and now I'm sad that it's a lie.

06 Jun


Originally posted by Khabi

/u/Psyonix_Devin damnit man.. I literally just had a kid, and you guys go and put shit from the Goonies in? Couldn't have dropped this like a week earlier? I'm literally rocking a Goonies shirt right now...

Congrats on the newbie! Hope you teach them the truffle shuffle ASAP. :D


Originally posted by SpartanLB

I didn't know this was a common issue, I played a competitive game about a week ago on PC and had an opposing player driving around invisible until my teammate scored a goal. The opposing player's car was stationary in the starting position although he was clearly driving around and hitting the ball.

It must not have been caused by a change in the most recent update (possibly became more common as a result but am unsure since I've only seen it once)

If I see this again how can I provide logs to help debug this?


05 Jun


Thanks for all the love everyone!! See you in game this summer 😎


Originally posted by the_alch

Never used any 3rd party mods. Updating nvidia drivers now and seeing if that does the trick.

Please let me know if updating drivers does the trick.


Originally posted by RocketRocketLeague

at best maybe a slight improvement, I can do a video capture if you'd like, its definitely still choppy though

Video would be awesome, thank you!


Originally posted by NeoSpearBlade

  • The Bug or Glitch: Completed a challenge and it's marked as 'Completed' but Rocket Pass did not recognized it. It was working perfectly before this patch (which I was unaware of) went live.
  • Platform: Xbox One
  • Video: PT1: PT2:
  • Logs: With 3 points away from a Tier Up, I did the "Easy Street" challenge which gave out 3 points. It played the animation but the Rocket Pass menu did not reflect this at all, I was still 3 points away from a Tier Up (PT1). It baffled me so much that I spent 2 keys to manually Tier Up. Then after completing the "Win One" challenge, I gained another tier, with another 3 points.....that did not save (PT2). At this point, I'm definitely not sure what's going on here so I'm runnin...
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This may just be a visual error, and we're investigating. The Tier Points you earned for completing that Challenge were visually awarded twice -- once when you completed the challenge during the match (which you wouldn't see because it's mid-match) and then again during the progression screen (which is what we see in the dvr link).


Originally posted by the_alch

Game crashes on launch since update.

Rendering thread exception:

Fatal error!

Address = 0x604191d0 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\system32\nvumdshim.dll]

Address = 0x60421ef0 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\system32\nvumdshim.dll]

Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9() Address = 0x67bff3a5 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll]

Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9() Address = 0x67bff73b (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll]

Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9() Address = 0x67bff4fb (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll]

Address = 0x6e8f0e3c (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rocketleague\Binaries\Win32\d3d9.dll]

Address = 0x6e8edba3 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rocketleague\Binaries\Win32\d3d9.dll]

Address = 0x6e8f42c2 (filename not found) [in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\...

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Disable any third-party mods you're running and see if it runs. Thanks!


Originally posted by RocketRocketLeague

Bug or Glitch: tw slash beam still causing frame rate drop in game

Platform: xbox

How does it compare to Slash Beam before the update?


Originally posted by Gimmedapoosiebowse

The bug or glitch: Customised colours not showing up in private matches

Platform: Ps4


Please make sure "Force Default Team Colors" is NOT checked in the Interface menu. I just tested this on a PS4 and the team colors appeared as intended.


Originally posted by mrhsx

Ball has an underglow on Salty Shores

  • The Bug or Glitch: There is an underglow on the ball, as if it's still on the old brighter Salty Shores
  • Platform You're Playing On: Steam (PC)
  • Image:
  • Logs: None!

Heyo, this is not a bug, there's just a lack of shadow under the ball from your POV because it's on the ground.


Hi everyone,

  • We've seen the posts about the Standard Rocket Boost, and we're investigating.
  • PLEASE follow the rules of this thread, including:

Please read through the comments before posting your own issue so we can cut down on duplicate posts


Originally posted by flaviusjosephson

It is not infrequent at all for me. Conservatively it happens in at least 50% of matches and I'm always the invisible one, but if I'm being realistic it seems like 70-80% of matches.

You're always the invisible one? DM me.


Example Post

  • The Bug or Glitch: Salty Shores is too dark now!
  • Platform You're Playing On: Steam (PC)
  • Video:
  • Logs: None! (See top post for log instructions)



Our latest update (v1.63) is now live. This thread is an effort to get all bug or glitch reporting into one thread.

  • Please take a look at the formatting below (don't be that guy who doesn't use the template)
  • Please read through the comments before posting your own issue so we can cut down on duplicate posts
  • Reply to a thread confirming your issue if you already see it posted

Please do not post about non-v1.63-related ...

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