Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

24 May


Originally posted by a_blue_ducks

Data denormalization is your friend here. You don't need to retain all chat logs, just the relevant ones for a ban.

We store the chat logs associated with bans in cache, but we still archive all logs.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey bud, I think you might like to take a look at this article from March 28th 2018.
It specifically mentions that chat bans were included in the Tournaments Update.


Nice defense! That orange plunger was so well-timed, too.


Originally posted by PillowTalk420

So... Wait... How long can it take the system to actually implement a ban? And how long does this system hold the chat logs used in those bans?

Generally within an hour. If the player does not interact with PsyNet once the ban threshold has been met, it will wait until the next interaction before the ban starts.
The offending chat logs are held in cache for 30 days, so if the player does not log in for 30 days, then the chat logs won't appear in the ban notification. Keep in mind that we archive chat logs so the report information is not lost.


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's not at all what was implied.


Wow, these are some of the best 3D prints of any car I've ever seen! Nice work OP!


Originally posted by yessireeboombaroony

That's interesting. You get banned the NEXT time you log into RL for something that may have happened weeks ago.

Correct, if a ban is issued after you end a session, it will begin when a new session begins (the next time you play).


As others have mentioned, your ban was issued over a month ago which lead to an expiration of the chat log.

You can DM me if you'd like to know more about why you received the ban.

23 May


Originally posted by Gemesil

Sure, by sending it to you you mean DMing it right? I saw you asked another person if they are US or EU, I'm EU.

DMing you now


OP, next time this happens can you snag the log file and send it to me?


Originally posted by ZebraCommander7

While not completely related, I'm going absolutely ham on my home network trying to get Rocket League to be a bit more stable (latency variance in my case). I'm wondering when I should just throw in the towel (but least I was interested in a home network overhaul anyways). At the end of this, every piece of networking driving my PC will be new and I'm hoping the latency variance nonsense will be a thing of the past. If not, I don't know that there's anything else I could have done. I hope to find the answer in all this.

Wired or wireless? There's always a chance that the latency variance is outside of your home network, and could be an ISP issue.


Originally posted by ytzi13

I've gotten it once or twice per session since the last update. u/Psyonix_Devin are you guys aware of the disconnect issues? I've seen it happening on people's streams in the past week or 2 as well. Or any idea what may be causing it on our end?

Next time it happens, can you send me the log file? EDIT: Also, you're US, yeah? Or EU?

22 May


Thanks for the suggestion! Always love the look of basketball, soccer, and half-pipes on top of high-rises. :D


Thanks for posting! We do have some engine-based limitations to deal with, but will pass along to the dev team here.


Originally posted by Zone_boy

Lmao psyonix took the "discord exists" route. They ain't fixing it. Epic isn't going address either because "discord exists".

But yet I still got mute mouth breathers who can't figure out push to talk.

psyonix took the "discord exists" route

IIRC I mentioned Discord as an alternative because cross-platform voice chat isn't currently possible due to platform restrictions.

21 May


Originally posted by MadArchie

Yea, while fixing the bug would be great, it would also be amazing if we could get proper black painted bodies too. Because the right picture is edited, it's not how it looks like in-game.

For example, if you look in the esport shop a lot of the decals makes the body look actually black, but when you equip it ends up looking different.

Example would be the Cloud 9 and Renault Vitality octane decal. In the esport shop it makes the octane look black trimmed, but when you're using it makes it look more grey than black.

See image for example. Same video settings both pictures --

And like another user mentioned - implementing a proper black octane would also be a win because it allows people to get certification on their octane, since a lot of users dont want it to be painted.

There's clearly a demand for a proper black painted octa...

Read more

But how do they look in a live game environment? We've definitely seen bugs with how BMDs interact with Painted Car Bodies, but the screenshot you're using may not be showing a bug, rather it's just showing the differences in lighting between the Esports Shop and the Garage/Customization menus.

Just some food for thought, but I'll be digging into this issue either way. :D


Thanks for posting this request! Passing along. :)