Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

28 Mar


Originally posted by Swagblu

I love Scarab since SARPBC, I wish you the best things in life sir

Thanks, friend. :)


Originally posted by CapitanSauce

What was your inspiration for this thing of beauty?

It was 11 years ago but I think it was something like...

"Wait, they want me to make HOW MANY cars?!"

Nah, just kidding. Honestly I just liked that it was unique and fun and that the wheels connected differently than they normally would in a car.


As the person who made the original Scarab for SARPBC you're my new favorite person.

09 Jan


Of all the plays you've posted on the subreddit, this is probably my favorite.

26 Dec


This is pretty amazing! Merry Christmas and happy holidays, r/RocketLeague! :D

20 Dec


Originally posted by usedwolf

It's not super obvious what is happening in the gif so I was hoping the name could help clarify that. I much prefer "Wolfdash" :)

Wolfdash sounds like an awesome food delivery service. :D

25 Oct


Fun fact: the guy playing the little red piano is Monte, our Video Producer at Psyonix. He makes all of our trailers and easily has the best hair out of anyone at the studio.

20 Oct


Originally posted by rl_Kovash

Ah yeah I saw, OP posted it to twitter. Thanks for the tag though. <3

17 Oct

07 Oct

04 Oct


Originally posted by rl_Kovash

I know I'm late but I can't hold it I have to give you and u/Psyonix_Art and huge congrats and a huge thank you for this feature. Seriously, it's a game changer and I could never go back <3

You're welcome. :)

30 Sep


Thanks for pointing this out. I'll take a look at it.


Originally posted by R3demtionR3aper

We love you guys. Seriously, thank you. <3


Originally posted by [deleted]

It is honestly amazing work, the transition is so criminally smooth that most of the time you don't even notice it happening - Intended, Great, Amazing.

Thanks for that feedback. The intention was to have it be as smooth of a transition as possible and to not be jarring, so if that's happening I'm very happy!


Originally posted by KingClam2

Aptly named programmer, what you guys did is beautiful

It does work out pretty fun that way. :) But he's awesome so we're lucky to have him!

29 Sep


Originally posted by whitechocmbg

Same! I’m amazed at how good of a job Eric did with this. FYI, posts in the hoops map are transparent now, too :D