Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

22 May


Hi everyone, my name is Storm and I make Rocket League montages. You may remember me from the last time I posted here, where I asked for your replays for this montage. The response was overwhelming, and since a lot of people wanted a second one, I'm making it!


  • One replay per person. I want to ensure as many people that want to be involved can be involved.

  • The replay can contain goals, saves, or team plays. Anything you deem worthy. I understand I didn't include any saves in the first montage, and I apologize. I was...

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28 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

Can you give a source them being 64 tick? Because I read on reddit that guy traced the server to 30 tick.

Replays are recorded at roughly 30 tick, then upscaled to 60 tick with artificially filled gaps. Most, if not all, companies record the replays for their game at a lower tickrate than what happens to the server. It's cheaper. CSGO has 64-tick servers, but 32-tick demos.

But I don't have a source, and you didn't link those reddit threads. /u/Psyonix_Cone, are Rocket League game servers 64-tick?

Yes, and server lag is caused by the server.

Okay, you got me there. But your problem isn't a result of server lag.

Client side prediction in RL is poorly made, judged by some people that are game developers and programmers and netcode is poorly made as well.

  1. You don't know those game developers and programmers at all. I k...

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Man this is a bigass thread, I'm sure this comment will get lost. Servers run physics at 120hz, just like clients. They actually "tick" at 60hz, which means on average they run 2 physics frames per tick. This is also true for clients that are running at 60 fps.

Replays are recorded at 30hz. Replay playback tries to fill in the gaps as best it can using a combination of prediction and interpolation. Client replays are not the exact same data that is recorded in server replays. It's a recording of the data that the server live-streamed to the client. This means it doesn't record the really bad stuff from client prediction, but it's also not a perfect copy of the server's data. The server's data arriving on the client suffers from compression, network jitter, and dropped packets, so there is a loss of information. Ideally the replays that clients save would just be a copy of the server's replay, but that would require downloading the replay from the server at the end of the ma...

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18 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

  • Client runs the simulation based on player input and latest information from server. Whatever you do is reflected instantly on your client so there's no input latency, but the overall state is an estimation.

  • The server runs a simulation on it's own based on the latest inputs from both clients, this is the one true state that can trigger things like goals and boost pickups.

  • The properties for the cars, ball, boosts etc. is communicated back to the clients, which match them against their own estimation.

  • If the state differs, the corrections are applied bit of a transition animation so things kinda rubber band around instead of blinking, which can be unnoticeable with very low latency

  • To compensate for the latency, the client keeps rendering the other players doing whatever they did in the last tick. E.g. accelerating forward.

  • As long as ticks come reliably at a fast pace, there shoul...

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I am not aware of anything on the server that would cause you to turn without having pressed turn recently. If you have a really bad connection the server will zero-out your inputs to limit how far you move while disconnected.

06 Apr


Originally posted by Glarity

Sick montage! I make some myself for CS:GO and was wondering did people send you clips that were recorded from the replay editor or did you do it edit the ingame replay yourself? Just wondering because I want to make some RL montages. Keep it up :)

Thanks! I had people send me the replay files so i could record everything myself.

04 Apr


Originally posted by sledge98

I imagine his choices were extensive and who knows if he was even able to analyze them all.

I submitted a nice demo-goal to try to add some flavor and maybe stand out as different as well. But I wouldn't say this was all free-style goals, there was a good mix and I don't envy all the time he spent just choosing the goals, never-mind editing!

I would like to make another montage so more people can be included, I just chose the replays I felt fit with the song the best. I still have a lot that I wanna use!


Originally posted by serunson

That was an absolutely sublime editing job. I might even use this as an example to teach kids how to edit to music...

Thank you! That would be awesome.


Originally posted by DurkHD

are you SoaR Storm?

Yes :p

03 Apr

28 Mar


Does your IP address change from before the disconnect? Next time you play, refresh before and after disconnect, I'm curious if it's changing.

18 Mar


Originally posted by Sensassin

Hey! Any word on when the montage will be ready? Obviously you got alot of replays sent your way, just wanna know if you have an idea of when it's done :)

I'm shooting for early next month. :)

02 Mar


Originally posted by Tropialz

You were cooler when you used the 0 :| now I gotta always see the actual letter o

A friend roasted the 0 in discord after I made fun of someone's name in a game. I got embarrassed, shamefully took the 0 out, and never looked back.


Originally posted by GRAVY_RL

If I'm on console, would you like me to find some extra angles to show you that you might like? I would definitely like to be apart of the montage so I want to get you nice shots

If you would like to, sure.


Originally posted by ShdwFlm Rumble allowed? If so, I'll have to dig into my replays and find a good one!

Rumble is allowed!


Originally posted by SpadezerMusics

I'm curious to know what you used to edit the videos?

And I made sure to send some your way ;)

I primarily use Adobe After Effects to edit.

01 Mar


Originally posted by TheDon291

oh baby do you want a mediafire file or what? cause i have some good stuff(hopefully) and dont really know how to share it

You can attach replays directly to the email. I supplied instructions in the post itself :)


Hi everyone, my name is Storm. I am an editor who loves making Rocket League montages. In celebration of hitting 10,000 subscribers on YouTube, I want to make a community montage for all those who have supported me, and the Rocket League community in general.


  • Send your best goals, saves, and plays. Anything you deem worthy. 1-2 REPLAYS ONLY 1 REPLAY ONLY (If you sent 2, don't worry.)

  • Any level of play is fine. It doesn't matter if you're Grand Champion or Challenger, I want to make a montage that everyone in the Rocket League community can be apart of.

  • Please send replay files rather than recordings. Replay files allow me to go into the game itself and record angles that wouldn't be possible otherwise, as well as the timescale functionality of the replay editor. If you play on console, and REALLY want your clip in the montage,...

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02 Nov


Originally posted by danlg

I love you to pieces, hope my comment didn't come off angry or aggressive - i just love you all so much

Not at all. It's always nice to be able to deliver on requests from the community.

19 Oct


Originally posted by JimMcGreevey

In an era of gaming where most developers behave like politicians, we have Psyonix; the company that brought us a game with as much replay value as any, at a third of the cost. The fact that Mike was even willing to open the message, let along click the link and listen to the song, embodies everything about Psyonix. They listen to the fans, and they do a phenomenal job at giving us what we want... and have yet to charge an extra dime for core content. I can honestly say Rocket League is one of the best twenty-dollar purchases I've ever made, and even if Mike was just hoping the song sucked so he could make a quick five bucks off my money-back guarantee, it wound up making a big difference for my buddy.

Also, if any of you guys wanna play 2v2, hit me up on Steam.. my username's the same over there. I kinda suck, but I'm a solid teammate.

Thanks for reaching out to us dude!

We are huge fans of supporting smaller artists here... I know first hand how hard it is to actually get people to listen when you're starting out, and we know first hand at Psyonix how hard it is to get that one good opportunity. I'm just stoked Rocket League was able to help Andy and DeAnna be heard. It's an amazing tune and they both are super talented. I'm happy to see credit go where credit is due!

Much like Ether, Kev Frey, and all the other artists that have gone into Rocket League, we are just happy to build up others when we can. :D