Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Originally posted by Joetaters

Anyone in the office a big Dark Souls fan? If so, what is their favourite boss of the games?!

Anyone in the office a big Dark Souls fan? If so, what is their favourite boss of the games?!

Artorias. 100%.

15 Oct


Originally posted by tokyotapes

How is FC6 Adam? I love the co-op story mode of the previous 2 games and was thinking of picking up eventually.

I'm not super deep into it, but so far so good!

Brother and I play co-op games more than any other kinda game and Far Cry has easily been one of the best in that department (other than Primal - still a solid game though)

Ubisoft does co-op right! Wish more games had it.


I understand that it's easy to get frustrated when a teammate is toxic like that, however, I implore you not to take your frustrations in this way as you WILL incur a ban on your account(s).


Originally posted by steepindeez

I want to know if it's possible for you guys to look in to adding a feature to the inventory so I can search for items by their color or certification. Like if I type saffron in to the search bar I'd like to be able to see everything I have that's saffron.

Also I just want to ask about the possibility of adding some sort of reward to getting a level 10 certification.

I know this doesn't really follow the AMA format but as a long time player these are the two things that really get under my skin the most frequently.

We are definitely looking at ways to help players navigate their inventory for the items they want more easily. We hear you on how cumbersome it can be to find the exact item that you are looking for. It’s on our radar and we have plans to add features to help with this in the future.


Originally posted by MonsTurkey

Are there any plans to give CRL teams custom decals? I'd love to rep a decal from my alma mater at some point!

This is something we've talked about on the esports team, but for now we're keeping it to RLCS only. The focus is continuing to improve the Esports Shop and eventually we'll be in a better spot to potentially expand it to other leagues!


Originally posted by FlamingPeasant

Rocket League is unique in esports with a single standard playing environment, one of it's many similarities to traditional sports. Unlike football, hockey and soccer though, Rocket League does not have consistent field markings. Each map has it's own take on the field look. I think consistent field markings on all maps would be helpful to the game by creating standard points of reference. Define the box, offensive, defensive, and mid thirds on the field, Spawn Points, wall curves etc. Do you think the game could benefit from this standardization?

The importance of field markings is something that has become more and more apparent to us over the years. It is something we review closely any time we are adding new arenas into the game. That said, we also think that the field variety is an important part of Rocket League’s identity. So long story short, there are no current plans to completely standardize field markings, but we want to ensure that any arenas that make their way into the game have the elements that players use to identify critical gameplay mechanics, like boost pickups.


Originally posted by TheMarketLiberal93

Why have you not fixed this?

Why have you not fixed


Well, now that you asked, we have to delay the fix by another six months.


Originally posted by SilentStargazer

For the art guys, any items or maps that you especially enjoyed designing? Non-art guys can answer too.

Being an EDM head, Neon Fields was my favorite to optimize.


Originally posted by SilentStargazer

For the art guys, any items or maps that you especially enjoyed designing? Non-art guys can answer too.

I personally enjoy the map making process the most, but lately I've had a blast making wheels.


Originally posted by smedbob

Who is the highest ranked Psyonix member? If you played ranked that is

I think technically it's Jason or Zeke on our video team... but since Dirkened, Conebone and I are the reigning Psyonix Champions. I'm going to say us ;)


Originally posted by mr_me100

Can you tell us anything related to the UE5 work? I honestly am just excited about the idea of the engine overhaul so any information you can share would be fantastic.

Whether its target release date, new features that the UE5 engine will allow you to explore (client-side maps?), lessons learnt from the UE3 version being rectified in UE5, how the roll out is going to work (is it gonna be a brand new game or just a massive update?), roadblocks you've faced/are facing... anything!

I'm really hyped for the future of the game and want to hear everything you're willing to share about it.

Finally, thank you for the AMA and making this incredible game. :)


Originally posted by WiptyWap

Have you considered putting the 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments on a daily rotation? So one day the 4pm MST tournament is 2v2 the next it's 3v3 and doing this for all time slots? The only tournament my buddies and I can play is that one and with the new update one person is always left out. Kind of ruined the tournament experience for us.

This is an interesting suggestion. The general thinking is that having a fairly regular schedule is important so that players can plan ahead accordingly. Consistency and simplicity is key when trying to get your team online to win these tourneys. Adding rotation to the mode without changing the time slot would remove some of that simplicity, but is worth consideration as it would add a little more flexibility for players like yourself.


Originally posted by LibraryAtNight

What are the odds we'll see random painted Rocket Pass items return? Everyone getting the same thing is a bit of a kill joy.

We totally get why people liked the surprise element of random Pro Tier Rewards. We had to remove them previously because they're purchasable and we no longer do randomized purchases.

We want to take a broader look at how Rocket Pass content unlocks work. I can't say how soon this will happen, but we will definitely consider the interest in surprise rewards heavily when we do that


Originally posted by dankred545

Are there any plans to add a jungle map?

A jungle map would be awesome! Community map ideas don't go unnoticed - definitely something we will take into consideration down the road.



Originally posted by Whoopsiezzz

This game has almost cost me my marriage, respect of my children and employer. I love it. Thank you

I'm curious how good the dev team is, who's your best player and if ya'll still enjoy playing the game as much as when you started.

Also LOVED your work on unreal tournament 2004. Large maps, new, crazy vehicles

Keep it up guys

Oh no! One day they will understand, just give them time..

We have a wide range of skill levels at the office, but I think Stormsnacks (aka Jason) is our best player..

I personally didn't work on UT2004, but my brother, Ben, who also works at Psyonix, worked along side Dave Hagewood on Onslaught for UT2004.

Did you play any UT2004 mods back in the day?


Originally posted by throwawaythep

Is there any inkling of rumble being tweaked? Its still pretty much the same its been since it was released.

No current plans to change Rumble as of now. That said, I'd love to hear what change(s) you (and the rest of the community) would like to see with that mode.


Originally posted by Jager619

   Can you bring back DX9 version of game ?     Why did you removed it ? DX11 is harsh on my PC so I get like 28-30 FPS ingame. So whenever I get salty shores and temple match I never join in those, if i get those in casual or tournaments I get ban for not joining. 
    I know it's my fault for not buying new PC but I can't. I'm just 16. I get to play 2-3 comp matches max in 1 hour because not being able to join games. :/

For technical reasons removing DX9 was necessary to improve stability and performance with newer hardware. DX9 held us back from being able to do optimizations and make new content consistent with what we can do on consoles. There is more widespread support for DX11 and the render pipeline is closer to how it works on consoles so the bug fixing process is easier.


Originally posted by eXe-FaDe

To any dev that works on new maps. Why are they so infrequent? I know it doesn’t change the gameplay but new arenas more often would be really cool. We see a lot of fan art ideas on the Reddit as well.

Ahoy! Thanks for the question.

Maps take a lot of time and resources to make! There are multiple factors that go into map creation than just coming up with a cool idea and making it.

Every new map starts with a concept pass, which alone, takes a bit of time, and from there the concept art goes through an approval process - all of that happens before we even start arting out a new map. We spend time balancing gameplay aspects, ensuring visual quality levels, adding features like invistek, optimization passes to ensure the map runs well, etc.

We do see all the awesome map ideas and fan art people post about and take those all into consideration!


Originally posted by ladypeacharino

How you deal with constant negativity and feedback every tike you post an update? It feels like a lot of people are not understanding.

I can barely deal with toxicity in this game.

While we do receive negative feedback, there are many players in the community who express their passion for the game by offering constructive, actionable feedback.

I understand that toxicity in-game can be a detriment to some players. A regular topic of conversation for us is the mitigation of in-game toxicity to improve the overall gameplay experience


Originally posted by Psychological_Salad_

What other games do you usually play?

Rocket League excluded. I play a ton of Destiny 2 these days. Also really enjoy New World, Splitgate, Back 4 Blood, GTA V, Pokemon Go, Assassin's Creed - Valhalla.

Really stoked to jump into Battlefield 2042/Portal soon!