Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

10 Nov


Originally posted by spgb-

Are you sure these people aren't getting false-positively banned due to accidental own-goals or just really bad playing?

We absolutely are accounting for this. So, yes, we're sure.

08 Nov


If they're lower than Champ don't date them


There is a trello board roadmap for EGS you can check out here!

06 Nov


Nuked from orbit earlier today, thank you! (And please report these as the mods on here mentioned.)


Originally posted by Inlevitable

Ah of course those are the ones. I do wish Psyonix would let us see people using platform-exclusive car bodies from different platforms, I play on PC and PS4 but I would like to see a Hogsticker, Armadillo or Samus' Gunship first-hand

I do wish Psyonix would let us see people using platform-exclusive car bodies from different platforms

Sadly it's not up to us! It's hard to get a timeless icon for one platform/company visible on a platform run by someone else.

05 Nov

04 Nov


Originally posted by PM_ME_LOSS_MEMES

What % of your games would you say you have people trash talking you for being a dev and “still being trash”?

What % of your games would you say you have people trash-talking you for being a dev and “still being trash”?

Honestly? In the last year, maybe one or two people total. I make an effort to say hello to everyone when a match starts. When the match ends I hang out to say thanks for the game and chat for a couple of seconds.

Also, I'm not very good, so it's not like it's an untrue statement ;)


Hey! We know this is an annoying issue. /u/MuskratAtWork is correct in that it is an issue with Game Bar taking focus. However, we ARE currently working on a fix for this which is currently slated for the update after next.

03 Nov


Originally posted by ShuTingYu


02 Nov


Originally posted by MayContainPeanuts

Is the post-game menu being fixed? It literally breaks the game.

Is the post-game menu being fixed? It literally breaks the game.

Should be in the next update!


Not every car is gonna appeal to every person, totally makes sense why the poll is 50/50 right now. But, folks should feel free to suggest what cars they would like to see in-game. Helps us get an idea of what y'all are interested in