Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

22 Feb


Appreciate you reporting this issue. We're having some folks verify this system is working as it should be. There are times depending on your location there may not be ads available to you, but over time you should see some.

18 Feb


Originally posted by 3JAD21

Similar thing happened to me.

Prior to a patch that came out in between the launch of Mad Mercenaries and the Mid-Season patch, I owned the Scaducci Summer wrap because it was a reward for signing up to emails from Hi-Rez about Rogue Company. Once that patch came out, it started randomly leaving and re-entering my inventory every time I logged in.

One time I tried to fix the issue by getting a Rogue Supply Drop (of which, at the time, the only thing I could get from it was the scaducci summer wrap) with rep to get the wrap from the drop. It didn't give me a warning before I opened it like supply drops usually do if you try to open one when there isn't anything to get, so I thought I was in the clear and it would work. But instead I got a 60 min account boost. At least I didn't spend Rogue Bucks like you, damn shame that. :(

So the lack of warning is very likely because in that situation we granted you a box versus the normal game flow. That's a good note for us to investigate.


Originally posted by TubbyTacoSlap

No. Sorry. Ok, so In the loot pool of the supply boxes there is this scaducci summer skin that it said I didn’t have. So I bought a box, it opened and got nothing. I thought that was weird, checked my inventory and didn’t see it. So I tried one more time, same result. After looking over and over through my inventory, that other scaducci skin was the only primary I had. So my working theory is that there’s something similar in the coding for these two making the game think I have the summer skin when I don’t. So I just wanted the rogue bucks returned or give me the skin or something equivalent to the 800 RB wasted due to some kind of bug. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Any given time of day since I bought those boxes, the store will either say I own everything or that this summer skin is the only thing I don’t have.

Could you DM me your ticket number please?

15 Feb


This is a known issue we are fixing in the next update and yes we are suspending people we see doing this very intentionally.

13 Feb


Originally posted by Brazenology

Tons of games have chat options despite the toxicity. As long as you have filters in place and give the option to report abusive chat then I don't see what the issue is.

We have games with both text chat and no text chat. We take action on quite literally 10 times more accounts in those other games than Rogue Company for language (and I don't mean simple profanity). We completely understand the benefits described, but do not believe they outweigh the costs. This is actually quite common in the industry now and you'll start seeing fewer and fewer games released with text chat.

10 Feb


Originally posted by Rad91D

If y’all need some more codes I can throw a hundy down to get some momentum and more prizes out. Also tomorrow is my birthday!

Happy early Birthday!


Originally posted by OB0E

Out of curiosity in the case of myself, I know I am reported with high frequency. What do y’all do with excessive reports of those who aren’t cheating? Do you get a total number of times someone has been reported? If you get bored, check out “Oboe” and let me know 😂

I always appreciate the responses. Thank you again, I’ll let you get back to it. I’d still love to run some games with you.

We can't go too much into the sausage making with these systems, but the volume of reports does play a role in the expedience of how an account is reviewed. If you aren't cheating, it's usually pretty obvious. We've built a profile over the years of what an average cheater looks like and a veteran player may hit one point but rarely multiple.

08 Feb


Originally posted by redfoxx15

What platform are you playing on, Epic or Steam?

This. We believe this issue was resolved (i've confirmed with mulitple players it's no longer happening) but if it isn't for you we'd love to get some more information.

03 Feb


We are actually still looking into this. No changes should have been made with EAC that impacted it's ability to run on Steam Deck to my knowledge.

21 Jan


Originally posted by KING-O-SAURUSREX

You’re going to have to give me another way to contact Hi-Rez. Radar hasn’t sent a single message in the discord since October of last year. And his discord settings make it so that only friends can send DMs. So I can’t communicate with him at all.

You could also just drop me a DM here and I'll be happy to take any feedback around this.

19 Jan


Originally posted by DarkAndSparkly

This is what! The third or fourth widely popular employee to leave in recent months? It’s concerning. Happy employees are the key to a great company.

While there have certainly been changes here, our commitment to Rogue Company still remains. Hats is a veteran of the team who I recall working with regularly during Alpha. While not super vocal in the past, he knows the game inside and out, and he knows what the community has been saying. Incredible amounts of passion and I'm personally really excited to see where things go this year.

20 Dec


Our apologies, this has been resolved now! Thanks for the callout!

03 Nov

18 Oct


Originally posted by NeonAerow

Thanks for the response! Might I suggest that the Crackshot perk is either removed or brought down to the blue tier on Fixer?

The ability damage on its own isn’t too strong, same thing for the Crackshot perk on its own. But when you combine and stack both things is when things get out of hand.

The idea would be removing the perk, yes. We'll keep an eye on it though - we know this combo is very strong.


Dahlia is just special like that. :)


We know that this is extremely strong and feels a bit jarring right now. These changes were intentional and are designed to lean into what Fixer is best at. We'll be monitoring it and will make adjustments in a balance update if needed.


We're amending the patch notes to include a note about this change. In short, we wanted to offer more modes all of the time with QP, so we've moved away from 6v6 for now. TDM will continue to remain as a permanent mode inside QP.


We've found a fix for this issue, but we're still determining whether we will need downtime to deploy it. In the meantime, we've disabled the skin.

29 Sep


Passing this along to the team!