Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

15 Sep


Hey again Rogues! It’s been just over a week since the Formal Affair release and we hope everyone has been able to enjoy all the new content including our new Quickplay feature. We wanted to provide you another update on the issues we’ve been working on since this post.

We have fixed all the issues mentioned in that post on our internal servers with one exception. The “jitter” animation bug has proved a bit more elusive than expected, and while very easy to reproduce, we are still working on a fix for this issue. Once this is complete they will be pushed through the update p...

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13 Sep


Originally posted by Ghostofslickville

Yup. Completely gone.

Apologies this wasn't communicated more effectively. Surrender has been disabled until we have resolved the network connection issue which is currently fixed internally but being tested. We hope to have this resolved very soon.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Aero_Junkie

RCCS players from the Spring tournament have posted on Twitter how they hadn't been paid in roughly 90 days. It's not misinformation when it was them who posted it and Hi-Rez responded to the post.


The state of the game is deplorable.

Your statement was RCCS was canceled because of payments. That is not accurate information. You also are stating the past 2 RCCS players did not get paid (unless you mean something else by "screwed over"). This is also inaccurate information.

My statement in that twitter thread was to let players know payments were coming the following week which did happen.


Originally posted by injured-ninja

You can’t turn crossplay off - it’s forced. Wtf?

The toggle still exists on the Xbox version, but it will effectively remove you from any active queues. We've had a couple folks inadvertently toggle it.


Originally posted by Aero_Junkie

They'll never fix anything. RCCS was permanently canceled because they weren't able to play the winners aside from Drew. The others all got screwed over out of the past 2 RCCS.

RC is dead because the devs are trash and wouldn't listen to the community that's leaving to play Veiled Experts, Shatterline, etc.

I understand and respect your dissatisfaction with the current state of Rogue Company but please don't spread misinformation. All winners for both RCCS events have been paid along with any casters and administrators.


Originally posted by Its_Syxx

How is this not a priority hotfix that can be pushed out quickly? Hasn't it been over a week at this point?

Hey there! Sorry you had such a poor experience.

The update has only been out for 3 days, it wasn't until yesterday we could really reproduce the disconnect reliably so the team is still working on that.

Could you verify you didn't inadvertently toggle your crossplay setting off? That will create exponentially longer queue times I'm afraid.

10 Sep


Originally posted by templar40k

Why not allow players to play and remove surrender option in ranked for the weekend instead?

I would rather play without surrender honestly

That's effectively what i was communicating above (apologies it didn't come across). The Surrender function is complex and touches a lot of different systems which we'd prefer not to accidentally impact. We had folks working on disabling surrender (without breaking something else) most of yesterday afternoon/evening and the team made the decision until we can either implement this or a fix (which is also being worked on) it's best to turn Ranked off.


To add further context I couldn't fit in the tweet, the team has been working on a fix all afternoon and into the evening. It's a little complex and we'd rather not rush something so in order to address disruptive matches we're going to disable Ranked for the rest of the weekend. This should give the team time to create a proper fix for rollout.

09 Sep


Originally posted by Sea-Engineering4032

Any words about "Quick Play Mode" and why I don't get any XP points?

Quick Play is currently being tested right now and isn't meant to be in full release. We are turning it on temporarily to get your feedback around it but expect that to be in it's final iteration later.


Hey Rogues! We wanted to quickly note this week's update and where things stand. First, we want to sincerely thank everyone for their patience and for reporting their experiences through what was admittedly a difficult update. We had several issues which the team has either addressed or is in the process of tackling as soon as possible. A few that we have resolved:

  1. The Battle Pass being inaccessible was due to an unfortunate configuration issue which didn’t unlock the content properly.
  2. The same issue impacted Contracts as the Battle Pass.
  3. Thanks to your reports, we noted an issue where players could receive a duplicate cosmetic in their Supply Drop. We immediately turned off the ability to open these and resolved the issues internally before rolling out a fix a few hours later. While the number of impacted players was minimal, we will fix those players’ accounts by granting them another Supply Drop.

This is a list of the immediate...

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08 Sep


We turned Supply Drops off last night after reading & verifying a Reddit thread that a player had received a duplicate item. This was a quick fix (meaning it didn't require we push out a new build of the game) and Supply Drops were turned back on.


This is our top issue this update and we've been discussing when we can push out a hotfix to resolve it. I'll be keeping the community as updated as possible on Twitter about when they can expect that to drop.


This is a known issue. We'll likely be resolving it in a hotfix.


This challenge should be possible with Switchblade, Dima, Cannon, Kestrel, Ronin, Scorch, Seeker, Sigrid, Vy, Trench, and Juke, though I have also heard reports of Umbra completing this challenge as well. Let me know if any of those Rogues cannot make progress on this challenge and I'll pass it along.

I've also passed along feedback about this challenge being particularly rough for ya'll to complete, bugs aside. Sorry for the frustration. :(

07 Sep


Originally posted by Ghostofslickville

Yeah I don't know what to do, mite just leave as its just one item, but where do I draw the line then?

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We believe we've identified the issue and we're going to automatically grant a drop to anyone affected. We don't have an ETA on that (it may require a downtime) but as soon as possible.

01 Sep


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news in this thread. I know a lot of people have been asking for this feature and were extremely excited upon seeing this post, but we are not shipping Leaderboards in the next update.

I tracked down what happened with this particular asset and in short, the team that puts together this copy intended for this to mean, "grinding for a new rank in the new season," unaware that Leaderboards (the system) was something hotly discussed in the community. It was caught pretty soon after and the English and non-English language copies have been changed to be less misleading.

As for Leaderboards, this is a feature that I've kept on the radar of the team for a long time. About eight months ago, I compiled a large document of Ranked improvements and suggestions (which included things like Draft Pick). Leaderboards were also included as a community suggestion in this document.

So never say never for leaderboards, but for now, they're not shi...

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26 Jul


This is an Unreal Engine error, not a Rogue Company error, relating to D3 Devices. It's a known issue with UE4 and usually occurs when the GPU isn't synchronized with Unreal engine. I highly recommend making sure all your video drivers are up to date, and if they are, do a clean re-install of the latest drivers in the case that they're corrupted. Also make sure you're running the latest Windows update.

Other things it may be:

  • Antivirus software: There are numerous antivirus software out there which tend to block the Unreal Engine, hence marking a false positive. This is very common and can be solved by either creating a whitelist or disabling it.
  • Incomplete Game Files: If its game/installation files are corrupt or incomplete, you will experience the error message.
  • Overclocking: Overclocking might give your PC the push it needs but is known to cause issues or conflicts with heavy resource-consuming applications. Disabling Overclocking might do...
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21 Jul


Originally posted by 7MinOfTerror

A fix for the "I can't f**king revive my f**king teammates until I f**king reload my f**king weapon" bug would be just peachy.

Also, put Kestrel's ult back the way it f**king was. Preview? Great. Can't ADS? What the f**k. I've L10'd Kestrel and the new setup is so f**king awkward.

More shit we didn't need and didn't ask for.

>A fix for the "I can't f*cking revive my f*cking teammates until I f*cking reload my f*cking weapon" bug would be just peachy.

Good news: next update is just peachy.