⏳ Travel through RuneScape’s past to undo Relomia’s mischief and restore Closure’s books, in Once Upon A Time: Flashback.
Part 2 of our epic #20YearsOfRuneScape miniquest series is coming on April 6th!
Due to an unexpected change in team availability, we unfortunately have to postpone our plans for today's livestream. We apologise for this change in plans.
We'll be back next week with further reveals on upcoming April content alongside a Leads Q&A.
After a March that few of us will ever forget, we're ready to begin the process of returning accounts impacted by the Login Lockout situation.
📜 Read more:
@1st_Uruk_Hai Try again please :)
🦋 The Spring Festival is here!
Head to the Guthix Tree south of the Archaeology Guild to catch yourself some all-natural rewards and a cheeky XP boost, too 🌱
@JagexShaun: An update for the @RuneScape iOS & Android mobile clients will be deployed today around the same time as the game update (1…
@JagexEasty: We're now launching this week's RuneScape game update, we're aiming to reboot at 10:00 game time (11am UK time)
Get a first in-game look at our upcoming "Spring Festival" (Easter event) and Mod Pi-Mas combat improvements. We also give you a status update on the Login Lockout issue.
🧭 With time running out and Seren’s Council in limbo, Azzanadra has decided to try a new approach.
The hunt is on for the Elder Halls, in #ElderGodWars: Azzanadra's Quest.
We have some significant news to share on our progress to restore and return accounts impacted by the Login Lockout, our planned aftercare process, our plans to make things right and more beyond.
As intended, we will close access to the Account Integrity Beta today, at 17:00 Game Time. Thank you all again for your involvement!
Make sure you join us at that same time today for a special livestream on Twitch. We'll be discussing our findings from this Beta and next steps.
@jaxyys_tv: Something in Rimmington smells a little fishy... It's up to us to get to the bottom of the mystery, before our dangerous riv…
And make sure to join us for a special livestream today!
We'll give you a rundown of our learnings from the Beta so far, things we're working on and - most importantly - what's next in the process.
🔴 17:00 Game Time | Login Lockout Status Update
🔎 If you're a current participant of the Account Integrity Beta, please return on it today to check some new improvements we've just made to our restoration work.
Head to the private Beta Discord server for all the info on recommended areas to test.
With the Beta in full swing, we wanted to check in with a couple of updates on the latest happenings from today.
📜Read all details here:
The Beta servers are now back online. Thanks for your patience!
⚠️ Maintenance - Beta Only - Today, 9:30 Game Time
The Beta servers will be taken offline shortly to perform tweaks and improvements.
We expect this could take up to 2 hours to complete. We'll let you know when they're back up.
Thanks for your patience!
@MissApocalypsee And thanks for the feedback :) Can you send it in the Discord server we created specifically for the Beta please? It'll go straight to our devs.
✉️ A 5th wave of invitations to join the Account Integrity Beta have just been sent out. Be sure to check your emails to find out if you're involved! Thanks to all those who've helped out so far. We'll be sharing more news soon!
The 4th wave of invitations for the Account Integrity Beta have been sent. ✉️ Check your emails to see if you're invited! More initiations will be going out at a later date, so stay tuned. https://t.co/2Nf70iXVTS
Our servers are now back online. Thanks for your patience!