We'll be back with more updates later today.
Thank you for your continued patience and we'll get you playing again as soon as we possibly can.
If you haven't already, please do submit a ticket via this link if you are unable to login:
Ensuring everyone can play again as soon as possible is the biggest priority for the team and work is continuing to resolve this technical issue.
We do not have a timeline to communicate right now, but as soon as we have any indications to share, we'l let you know.
⚠️ Maintenance - Today, 14:30 GMT
We will be deploying a billing maintenance later today that will affect payment systems. No payments will be processed during this time.
We expect the maintenance to last around an hour. Thanks for your patience.
Our team are still continuing their work on outstanding issues. Our aim is to get everyone back online as soon as possible.
While we don't have any further info to report, we will be continuing to deliver news as soon as we're able to.
Thank you for your ongoing patience.
@JaheemRS It seems to be an issue with your IP. Please use another device or change your wifi/broadband access point to submit the form.
@YaBoyMattz It seems to be an issue with your IP. Please use another device or change your wifi/broadband access point to submit the form.
@Maviakuma1 We have several requests coming in at the same time. Please wait a few minutes and try again.
@nglZaf We have several requests coming in at the same time. Please wait a few minutes and try again.
If you are encountering the message 'Error loading your profile' or lost significant progress from the March 4th rollback, please use the link below to report your issue.
Thanks for your continued patience!
For anyone reporting their account not appearing as expected, we're also continuing to work on this issue.
We will also be providing a specific support destination to resolve this issue for you as well.
If you are seeing this error, the account is part of a very small number we referenced as likely being unable to log in.
Our team are continuing to work on anyone impacted by this to get you playing again as soon as we can.
This support destination will make sure we are aware.
If you are encountering the message 'Error loading your profile, please contact customer support', we will provide a specific support destination shortly to provide help for this issue.
RuneScape login services are now coming back online and services should be restored for the vast majority of players.
A very small number of accounts may still be unable to log in - we're working on resolving this as soon as we can.
Thanks for your patience!
Work is still continuing to restore our login services - we have no significant milestones to report just yet, but good progress is being made.
We hope to have more substantial news to share soon.
@somers_dieter As short longer as we can.
Our team are continuing to work hard to resolve the ongoing login issues.
We hope to have more info to share soon and we'll keep you updated throughout this matter.
@Ash_InQontrol Hi, sorry about that, we'll have a look. Can you hop in DM please?
Our team is investigating new reports of login issues.
For players currently in game, we recommend avoiding world hopping and any high risk activities until further notice.
Thank you for your patience.
@Im_Rubic @SgtSmashton It's 14:15 GMT, sorry for the confusion.