
Runescape Dev Tracker

25 Jan


Originally posted by deathjohnson1

Rewards include an extra-fabulous Party Hat override

Wait, really?

Not those party hats.

Don't panic.


Originally posted by Rarycaris

"To get stuck in, have a word with Dr Nabanik at the Kharid-Et dig site. He'll hand over four fully-restored Spell Scrolls for you to use and replace any you accidentally destroy."

Possible oversight here if they can be handed in to collections or the archaeology bin for chronotes. Has that possibility been accounted for?

Yes. They are quest object and cannot be used for anything other than the mystery.


Following on from feedback from previous weeks, we've gone into more detail with today's newspost. Let us know what you think or if you have any more suggestions for improvements we could make!


Hey, Thanks for the feedback!

I'm glad you appreciate the changes that were made but I agree there is still more that can be done. Here are a few notes for some of your points.

-Agility. I agree the numbers need to be lowered for this task.

-Gain XP tasks. These seem to have gone down pretty well (although some need xp tweeks). We will try to include some more with the next track. I think slayer and dungeoneering are the ones that would currently benefit the most from being changed. Other tasks such as herblore, fletching and crafting would also benefit here.

-Firemaking. Requiring elder logs is actually an issue with the joint task system. The current system means both tasks are restricted by the same value. For example, opening up magic logs for a firemaking task would open up lots of low-level fish and drastically speed up those tasks. For the next yak track these should now have separate values so we can scale the individual skills appropriately....

Read more

24 Jan

23 Jan


Originally posted by DonzaRS

Would be great if Dagganoth kings got a hardmode.

I'm sure this could work into the anachronia. Something like since the return of dinocity the DKs have gained ancient power and mutated. blah blah story and now we have a hard DKs fight. Would love to see them charging around the arena firing off beams.

oh boy


We have a fix for this in Monday's update.

In the meantime, if you open the chapel door to the left of you, you'll have the option to skip just this section (you'll only miss about a line of dialogue) and continue with Tutorial Island. :)

22 Jan


Originally posted by jkesley7

Experiencing A LOT of crashes when I will go to Facepunch and Cabbage Bonanza. Almost 90% of the times in PC Client and 100% in RS Mobile.

Is this after the new client update that just went out? As of about 20 minutes ago.


Hello Scapers,

We've released another warmfix that fixes additional crashes reported this week. You'll automatically receive the update upon next login on all desktop clients.

As with the warmfix earlier this week, this will be deployed to Mobile once the build is through the Store processes. We'll update this post when released.

If you are still experiencing any crashes, please do let us know in the comments below as we continue investigating any reports.

Thanks again for your patience and have a great weekend!

External link β†’

Originally posted by ImRubic

Finally got this done. Sorry for the long delay. I've been busy this week so it's been difficult to get these TL;DWs out.

Wasn't sure if I wanted to do this one at first since a large portion of this stream were Jmods talking about their personal experiences, perspectives, and takes on various lore related concepts/questions. This is super hard to summarize without taking away or misrepresenting them and watching the vod is, in my opinion, the best way to experience it.

For those who only care about news it's condensed at the top.

As for the Combat Council Q&A:

The TL;DW is like 90% done, just needs formatting. I'll post it sometime tomorrow after I get some sleep. If you can't wait, PvME has a short TL;DR somewhere but in my opinion it is missing a couple things as well as some context (which isn't bad).

EDIT: TL;DW 508 - Combat Council Q&A...

Thanks so much for doing this, Rubic! Must've taken a lot of time to transcribe.

One quick clarification (I appreciate transcribing my rapid speech is a challenge!) - Raven et al defined Charos' concept for his season reveal, and I also wasn't directly involved in the design of Zamorak. I merely mentioned other people's work as anecdotes. :)

21 Jan