
Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Jan


Originally posted by Liam_c2020

you can reply to this shit, but the outrage by your whales is ignored?

Not my area buddy :)


One way would be to wait for the shield pylon event to be active. Another would be to power all shadow anchors.

25 Jan


Originally posted by yaksnax

And my axe

This guy gets it.


Oh my gosh! I'm SURE I took this out! I even remember writing a stupid line of dialogue to replace it.

I'll get this sorted...


Originally posted by kindredwolfRS

I did, just today. I hadn't completed the mystery before.

After the mystery is complete, you need to talk to Dr Nabanik again. I think the Kharid-et opening cutscenes is being replayed for some people, but barrel through that and he should thank you for solving that mystery (and then complete the miniquest too).


Originally posted by PM_ME_YOUR_KATARINA

Good to hear from you again Camel!

For the next yak track these should now have separate values so we can scale the individual skills appropriately.

Thats what I like to hear!

This task allows you to use 'good ol bones' to complete as burying bones manually takes the same amount of time.

Same could be said about burning maple logs vs elder :p

Minigames. I personally avoided these tasks as I don't enjoy them but I know others that do.

It comes down to what's on spotlight mostly. If it comes down to:

"1hour doing X skill vs 40minutes of minigame I dont want(or might not even be possible if spotlight is a dead one) OR 3hrs 20 minutes of minigame I do want." It will probably come down to skilling. But if the choice was:

"1hour doing X skill vs 40 minutes of any minigame" the minigame choice is much more compelling. Since thaler is ti...

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I agree with what you've said about maple vs elder logs. The problem with that though is it really affects the price of logs. Everyone would always opt for the cheapest option and the increased demand would make the price go up. This is why im such a fan of the gain xp tasks. It opens up every skilling method to the player and also offers cheaper but slower training alternatives.

How the yak track works for ironman will have to be discussed further. I personally dont have any issues with ironmen receiving xp from the free track but I know others dont agree with this.


Be certain you have completed the new miniquest (and not only the previously existing Archaeology mystery).


Originally posted by MtnDoobie

In case you haven’t seen Hooli, rare items tokens weren’t removed from the game, just from the players. They are still obtainable through Vic and the rare store still exists. You guys should do a proper update before rolling something like this out, especially when it wasn’t asked for or needed.

Thanks for this - we've alerted the team.


Have you already completed the Vault of Shadows mystery? (I would assume so you being 120 Arch.) In which case, you don't need any scrolls. Just talk to Nabanik again to complete the miniquest.


Hey everyone,

We've been reading through your comments regarding the recent update to Rare Item Tokens to better understand the key points of contention and we appreciate all the feedback. I felt it was important we let you know the thought process around the decision made to convert them to Oddments and the exchange rate that was decided on.

The Rare Item Store is something we have not maintained since 2017 and frankly, nor is it something we have had any solidified plans for in a while. We have a big challenge where we are juggling too many currencies and stores in-game, so our long-term plan is try and consolidate them the best we can to give a better overall user experience. For the time being we are using the Oddment Store to centralize legacy monetised content, like bringing back old Yak Track items.

When moving Rare Items over to the Oddment Store, we focused on ensuring the value of Rare Item Token to Rare Item was not lost - which is where the 1:1 r...

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Originally posted by lyfoon

That said, the team hear you on your feedback that Rare Item Tokens value as a prize could have been be

how is it that a purple prize(4000 rare tokens) which can usually be converted to 750 oddments or more now get devalued to 10:1 ratio? without warning either? seriously unprofessional

We definitely understand how we got this wrong. The intent was to do something beneficial for everyone involved and we missed the mark on the conversion ratio.

We're working on solidifying some plans on what we can do to make good on that fact.


Originally posted by cralo4

> There's no new rewards for this miniquest, but you will unlock something that'll come in handy fairly shortly. What is it? We're not telling! Let the wild guesswork begin...

Anybody figure out what the unlock from Vault of Shadows is yet?

We're being vague for good reasons on this one. Having the Miniquest completed will matter later.