
Rust Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by Daloze

[BUG] Facepunch 2 is really laggy and getting DC all the time.

Also the server are not updating max players while it always did the last few wipes on FP.

Thanks, I've looked into the server performance issue and it should now be resolved. (EU Facepunch 2)

04 Jun


Originally posted by sFe

[QoL]Rust+ app Team chat doesnt show names, only avatar much of which dont even show. Should show names

Thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by yungskeetur

rustafied servers long II and main

Thanks, I believe they've since restarted their servers and the issue is now resolved?


Originally posted by scrollzz

Had same issue as you for a while, suddenly stopped working. Similar hardware, i have an i7 4790k and a GTX 1080. Something that kinda fixed it for me was using the garbage collection commands, so might be because of slow RAM or slow processor?

Please can you submit a ticket at our support site so we can grab some logs. Troubleshooting these type of issues over Reddit is not easy, unfortunately.


Originally posted by mdgraller

As of the past few days, I've been getting error-less crashes after playing for 3-5 minutes. Been playing constantly for the past month and it's really only the past few days I've been unable to play without crashing. What's strange is that I turned down my graphics settings and was able to play a full night without a crash, but as soon as the sun rose, I was back to crashing after about 3 minutes. Graphically, I get a freeze in the main game window and then extreme slow-down (like mouse movement) on my other monitor until the game closes itself, again without any error message.

Reliability Monitor shows the same two critical errors happening simultaneously:




Stopped working


Faulting Application Path: G:\Steam\steamapps\common\Rust\RustClient.exe

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: RustClient.exe

Application Version: 201...

Read more

Please can you submit a ticket at our support site so we can grab some logs. Troubleshooting these type of issues over Reddit is not easy, unfortunately.


Originally posted by yungskeetur

walking near military tunnels puts your fps below 10 and makes the game unplayable please look into fixing this immediately qc wasnt up to par this update i guess

Which server are you experiencing this on?


Originally posted by dsstrainer

[Bug] Being aggro at Outpost carries over to Bandit Camp for the full half-hour... this should not be. The crime at one place should not be carried to another.

We're looking at improving this and giving the player more feedback when they're hostile in the near future.


Originally posted by The_Fantastic_Fox

[BUG] Companion app does not work on my tablet but does pair on my phone

Please can you share the make and model of your tablet and we'll investigate.


Originally posted by farcry15

[bug] foor triangle and button are not recyleable

I've just checked this and unable to confirm the issue. If you're playing on a modded server they've likely not something misconfigured.


Originally posted by hunted5


+app.port "-1" on the command line does not work... when you check in game the app.port is "1" and you get this crap :

Companion server failed to start: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): Access denied

Thanks, we'll take a look at the app port -1 issue, we'll need more information on your setup why it was set to +103.

23 May


Originally posted by mlgodzilla



14 May


Originally posted by s-expression

/u/Alistair_Mc can you guys provide a statement on this bug? This gets reported every release but it hasn't even been acknowledged.

If someone can give me the map worldsize, seed and grid ref I'll get it fixed.

08 May


Originally posted by Glaenn91

Disconnecting when editing Vendingmachine. When trying to exit the edit part.

This is a known Oxide related issue, it should be resolved in the latest version.


Originally posted by Diffrnt

[possibly a bug]

There seem to be very few animals on the map.

After investigating this across our servers I can't find anything abnormal with the animal spawns. The vast majority of reports have come from servers running Oxide.

If anyone having this issue on a pure vanilla server please let me know.

Update: We've released a server update for this issue.


No known issue - if you could throw up some screenshots of your setup it'll help to troubleshoot this issue for you.


We went into lockdown at the end of Friday 1st, which means only patch critical fixes and balance changes are allowed to be committed for the update.

Last server-side change was 50537 06/05/2020 so they did indeed have a full day to test.

50523 06/05/2020 - Minor sprinklers fix

50514 05/05/2020 - Ch47 land drop fixes

50501 05/05/2020 - Water pump production rate changes

50479 04/05/2020 - Launch site bug fix

50477 04/05/2020 - Powered water purifier bug fix

A few more patch critical bug fixes between 2nd and 6th but in short these are extremely safe fixes and should'nt have had an impact on Oxide. The blame should not be aimed at anyone, there should be a bigger combined effort in the modding community to test before releasing.


Originally posted by SansGateau

I get kicked out everytime I go out of the administration page on my vending machine

This is an issue with Oxide, far as I'm aware they've fixed this in their latest update.


Originally posted by skymanpl

[QoL] Add status to indicate whether you are considered hostile to outpost / bandit camp visible above health bar and possibly circle around this places on map to indicate protected area / turret/npc attack range.

This is currently planned.