
Rust Dev Tracker

01 Oct


Originally posted by AngryBigMac

[BUG] Well world.rendermap just crashed my game so that's fun

Due to rendermap command stalling the client for a brief period it would be not abnormal for the client become unresponsive and kicked from the server.

The command should not crash the client - It's possible your system is on the lower end?



"Neo: yeah f*ck lefties and f*ck gooks"

28 Sep

15 Sep


Originally posted by Airick39

Battlemetrics says its 28016.

They're incorrect, you cannot connect on port 28016.


The server is on port 28015, not 28016.

10 Sep


Originally posted by NotUnKemal

Ok let me ask you a question back: Why is there a need of banning me from all Servers, when you can just initiate a Chatban?

You're banned from 36 servers. You're still able to join 2920~ other servers.


In my case, somebody asked ''What is the N-word'' and in my quick dumb thinking ( I was busy with fighting other players ) I just straight up told him the N-word. Boom not even 30 seconds later, I got banned for Abusive Chat.

So the context here is that you an idiot who writes before thinking and believe any punishment occurred from that is unjust? I don't quite understand how anyone believes writing any abusive slurs in the global chat is appropriate.

09 Sep


Originally posted by Goldeneyee

[BUG] Upon dying, randomly the respawn screen will be stuck on your place of death and won't allow you to drag making it impossible to select certain bags on the map.

Thanks, we'll investigate this issue.

07 Sep


Originally posted by PeterGriefing

[Bug] Nodes now often have two shiny lights to hit. One is fake and doenst contribute to the minigame. Don't know how to recreate but i had it with like 1/3 nodes

Thanks, we'll take a look into this.

04 Sep


Originally posted by ohsama_

All the sounds muffled except for hit markers and moving stuff in inventory

Thanks, we've released an update to correct this issue.


Please can you direct message me the server name in question and we'll make sure this gets resolved ASAP.


This was an oversight and not intentional, we're currently exploring how this issue was introduced. We believe it was one of the optimization changes.

We'll have a fix out shortly to rectify this issue.


Originally posted by IAmLeBaker

[BUG] Gunshot sounds are bugged/were changed, hopefully and oversight because the new sounds are AWFUL.

Pls dont do this helk.

Thanks, we're currently investigating this.

03 Sep


Originally posted by DropNationalism

[BUG]Multiple players on my modded server reporting the sound sounds like it's at a lower bitrate. It's irritating, please fix fast. Restarting did not fix it. Love you/Hate you *FIXED*

Thanks, we're currently investigating this.


Originally posted by kalgary

[BUG] Kayak can't be placed in the ocean if the ocean level has been changed.

For example, raise ocean level with 'sv oceanlevel 5'. Kayak can't tell that the water level is higher. If you want to place it, you have to go underwater to where the old shore used to be.

Same is true for boogie boards and inflatables. Has been like that since summer DLC came out. Am I the only guy who messes with the ocean level? Lol.

Thank you - we'll see what we can do.


Originally posted by hunted5

I thought fishing villages wouldn't be in the cold biome? well shit..

Poor seed - Could you please post the worldsize and seed please.


Originally posted by darkrence

Last wipe we had this issue and thought it was map seed. But there is an instant kill spot at water treatment plant. It's all along the walls of the two I'll call them holding vat with rusted mixing things. We run a modded server so I used ubertool to box the death areas off.

Thanks this is a known low priority issue, we'll get it fixed shortly.


Originally posted by Euphoric_Jellyfish85

Why does it happen on offi servers then ? :)

Many non Facepunch official servers run Oxide/umod.

All Facepunch servers are unaffected by this issue.


Originally posted by presidentsnow10

invalid packet

This is a known issue with the currently Oxide/Umod build - They're working on a fix now.

If you're a server owner please try the following:

Please note Umod/Oxide is a third-party server modding and out of our control.

Update - this issue is now resolved in the latest Oxide/umod update.

07 Aug


Originally posted by quietconundrum

[BUG] Additional triangle roof tile flaw: built a hexagonal tower with roofed wings on two sides... triangle roof tiles of tower have very large gap between themselves and wall.

gap from outside:

gap from inside, ground level:

gap from inside, level with gap:

interior view of building footprint (all triangles):

exterior view of building:

Thank you for the detailed report, I'll get those fixed.