all i want for christmas is update info
all i want for christmas is update info
all i can say is we're working on it, and nothing has changed since the last bit of information drop.
Oh shit. I knew Snutt was a troll but it’s almost as bad as having two Jace’s as community managers.
Strap in boys and girls, were in for a ride.
oh yes things absolutely have gotten worse.
That was the livestream (the name was left over from the last stream which was the Update countdown). Yesterday’s livestream is not available on YouTube (for copyright reasons) but the vod has been saved on twitch if you want to check it out:
Rc lvl?
It should be noted that the arachnophobia option is very specifically intended only to address real arachnophobia, because the replacement models are not less frightening or horrifying, they're just less spider-like. Disembodied glitching cat-heads is still pretty f**king terrifying.
this ^
there is literally someone in the office who -cannot- play the game with the spiders. couldnt even walk past the artists'/animator's desk as they worked on the spiders without freaking out.