over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - Beda - Direct link
Hey everyone, we are back. We have a hotfix ready for you all to tackle some of the most important issues you might be experiencing. So check it out!

  • Fixed the bug where shadow from prisoner head would not cast when in FPP.
  • Fixed the bug where several hair preview colors inside the face modification UI would show up wrong.
  • Fixed the bug where 12 gauge suppressor had wrong rotation.
  • Fixed the bug where body simulation panel would sometimes show age 0.
  • Fixed the bug where the Aeroplane BB doors could not be lockpicked.
  • Fixed the bug where holstering your handgun would sometimes make the handgun float.
  • Updated translations for some languages.
  • Fixed the bug where entering photo mode while teleporting (ex. on event end) would have players stuck on loading screen.
  • Fixed the bug where players would not have any ATR gain when operating certain vehicles.
  • Fixed the bug where some puppets would not produce any sound.
  • Fixed the bug where changing the C2 General goods trader data would also change the Z3 General goods data.
  • Fixed the bug where some of the items were not available to buy at traders when they should.
  • Fixed the bug where urination particles would not properly spawn on the tip of the dong.
  • Fixed the bug where external ambient audio could still be heard when inside bunkers.
  • Fixed the wrong icons on some items.
  • Fixed the bug where DirectX 11 driver would crash on startup for Win7 users.
  • Fixed the bug where the CON gain/loss indicator would not show the correct value.
  • Fixed the bug where no surface audio would play when driving over forest areas.
  • Fixed the bug where hair styles of other female characters would disappear after relogging.
  • Fixed the bug where improvised weapon flashlight would not attach properly on some AWP variations.
  • Fixed the bug where entering vehicles would sometimes make them glitch around and get launched.
  • Possible fixes for a lot of connection lost issues.

  • Removed military items from the general goods store.
  • Removed silver strips from the spawner list.
  • Voice chat should now be audible even when tabbed out of game.
  • Container BB elements and work benches can now be repaired to 100% even if they reached low durability.
  • Updated admin log capabilities.

  • You can now spawn weapon magazines with specific bullet count already spawned in them. Example: #spawnitem BP_Magazine_M9 1 AmmoCount 20
  • Added a new command - #DestroyZombiesWithinRadius <meters> which destroys all zombies within specified radius around player.
    Example: #DestroyZombiesWithinRadius 100