about 1 month
ago -
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Hello everyone, happy Thursday! Hope you are enjoying 0.96! We are deploying a hotfix for the more critical issues with an unfortunate announcement as well. Check it out! ->
Since the release of the 0.96 we have seen an increase of feedback as well. This is awesome as it helps out a lot for our GD to make changes and balance things out, so keep it coming. We would also like to ask you, if possible to have screenshots and even better videos, ready so we can nail it down.
One thing we saw was happening was overwhelming exploit to take down mechs and get high end loot easy. This will be fixed this update and unfortunately we will have to take a measure here. Hence all high end loot gained from mechs in this way will be removed. This was a better option as the alternative would be another wipe and we do not want to punish legitimate players.
Now to the bugfixes:
Since the release of the 0.96 we have seen an increase of feedback as well. This is awesome as it helps out a lot for our GD to make changes and balance things out, so keep it coming. We would also like to ask you, if possible to have screenshots and even better videos, ready so we can nail it down.
One thing we saw was happening was overwhelming exploit to take down mechs and get high end loot easy. This will be fixed this update and unfortunately we will have to take a measure here. Hence all high end loot gained from mechs in this way will be removed. This was a better option as the alternative would be another wipe and we do not want to punish legitimate players.
Now to the bugfixes:
- Fixed the issue where puppets would have massive HP.
- Fixed the issue where sleeper puppets would not react when shot.
- Fixed the issue where squadmates could not destroy window fortifications.
- Fixed the issue where it was difficult to place BB elements in some cases.
- Fixed the issue where some backpacks had wrong grips assigned to them.
- Fixed the issue where you could not exit prone position with the prone position key.
- Fixed the issue where Brenner would get bugged out when destroying chests.
- Fixed the issue where tutorial tasks would sometimes skip steps.
- Fixed the wrong audio when crafting armbands.
- Fixed the issue where turrets could be destroyed even if BB damage is disabled in zone settings.
- Fixed the issue where interacting with some items while prone would bug out the character.
- Fixed the issue where vehicles would sometimes spawn in inaccessible areas.
- Fixed multiple animation and clipping bugs.
- Fixed the issue with missing localizations.
- Fixed the issue where DEENA would skip voice lines sometimes.
- Fixed the issue where headlamps would be repaired with sewing kits instead of electrician tools.
- Fixed the issue where some BB elements had wrong destruction zones and particles.
- Fixed the issue where pushing vehicles would sometimes make you float.
- Fixed the issue where you could not place tree branches in log sheds
- Fixed the issue where m249 had wrong malfunction icons.
- Fixed the issue where you could build wooden BB elements through buildings.
- Fixed the issue where dropships would instantly pick up sentries once they were delivered.
- Fixed the issue where some quests would not give proper rewards.
- Fixed the issue where turrets would have wrong range displayed.
- Fixed the issue where mechs would take too much damage from some sources.
- Fixed the issue where minigun turret would keep fire audio on loop when empty on ammo.
- Fixed the issue where server restart would break the quest cycles.
- Fixed the issue where puppet navigation could sometimes cause a server crash.
- You can now only have 1 tutorial task active at the same time.
- Mechs now drop 2 boxes of 50cal ammo instead of 4.
- Made it easier to see which tutorials are completed.
- Reduced melee damage dealt to Razors.
- Slightly reduced the size of the improvised backpack.
- Removed GL grenades from traders.
- Turret mass now depends on ammo it contains.
- Implemented a dropship encounter blocking option for custom zones.
- Implemented server settings that control the spawn weight multiplier of dropship and zombie cargo drop encounters.
- Turret attitude towards prisoners, puppets, vehicles and TEC1 (Sentry and Dropship) can now be changed through server settings.
- Added a server setting to control if quests can block purchase of tradeables.
- Further explanation of a previous setting in the economy file:
"gold-price-subject-to-global-multiplier": "1" - Enables or disables predefined modifier based on holidays and weekends. This is still a work in progress.
"gold-base-price": "-1" - Sets base gold price.
"gold-sale-price-modifier": "-1.0" - the percentage of the base purchase price for gold that will be received for selling gold.
"gold-price-change-percentage-step":: "-1.0" - This setting will take the percentage of gold missing from the trader, and divide it with gold-price-change-percentage-step to get amount of steps, example: maximum amount of gold in bank is 10, 2 is missing, that will take 20% and divide it with gold-price-change-percentage-step which for this example we will set to 0.1 (10%), 20% / 10% = 2
This number is the multiplier with gold-price-change-per-step (for example 0.02), which gives us 0.04 (4%), and our new base gold price is gold-base-price * 1.04 (1040 if the gold price is set to 1000)
"gold-price-change-per-step" : "-1.0" - This setting is defined in the percentage and it will be multiplied by the result of the gold-price-change-percentage-step to determine increase or decrease the price of the gold (depending if you are buying or selling gold).
Example of "gold-price-change-percentage-step" and "gold-price-change-per-step" calculations:
10 max in bank and is 2 missing
2 of 10 = 20%
gold-price-change-percentage-step - 0.1 (10%)
20% / 10% = 2
gold-price-change-per-step - 0.02 (2%)
2% * 2 = 4%
gold-base-price - 1000
1000 + 4% fof buying gold
1000 - 4% for selling gold