almost 4 years
ago -
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Happy Friday everyone, we are coming at you swift with the hotfix. Happy SCUM weekend and check it out!
Also if you haven't already seen we are currently participating in the Steam Open world sale, so you can cop SCUM for 40% off! Go get it for your neighbor!

As you might've seen we have released Supporter pack #2 but we have not forgotten Supporter pack #1.
We have added files to the Supporter pack that will let you print your own masks with the SCUM motif, so you can represent and stay safe at the same time! Here is a couple of the DEVs doing awkward posing with them because I made them do it:
Also if you haven't already seen we are currently participating in the Steam Open world sale, so you can cop SCUM for 40% off! Go get it for your neighbor!

- Fixed the bug where the player could sometimes get stuck after exiting photo mode.
- Fixed the bug where the music player would sometimes show wrong song name.
- Fixed the bug where some cooked food could not be consumed.
- Fixed the bug where turning on photo mode in the tab menu would turn on music player.
- Fixed the bug where it was difficult to pick up items in water.
- Another wave of level fixes.

- Tactical handgun holsters now spawn only in millitary POIs.

- ShowNameplates command should now work correctly.

As you might've seen we have released Supporter pack #2 but we have not forgotten Supporter pack #1.
We have added files to the Supporter pack that will let you print your own masks with the SCUM motif, so you can represent and stay safe at the same time! Here is a couple of the DEVs doing awkward posing with them because I made them do it: