[2022] SCUM - Development update #31
over 2 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
over 2 years ago -
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Hey everyone, guess what? It's Monday again! Relief the mundane first day of work with some Dev update!
Resolving connection lost issues.
Resolving the issues with vehicle performances.
Code review.
Connecting the farming system to the crafting system.
Working on the banking system.
Working on the new modular BB panel.
Working on the new Admin commands.
Working on the modular vehicles damage system.
Working on the Character creation rework.
Preparing the modular vehicles for testing.
Working on the BB socket filter system.
Working on the roof morphing system.
Performance testing.
Looking into the replication graph.
Implementing new door features.
Testing the respawn rework implementation.
Working on the Nuclear powerplant design.
Finished unwrapping powerplant assets.
Texturing powerplant assets.
Opening up some areas of Samobor.
Finishing the turbine building.
Working on the spent fuel storage building.
Finishing the harbor crane model.
Finished the diesel generator building.
Working on the barber shop.
Finished the powerplant control room.
Finished the Ferris wheel.
Working on the carnival assets.
Finishing the lighting on the Nuclear powerplant.
Finished the diesel generator.
Working on barber shop assets.
Finished the barber NPC head texture.
Working on the hairstyles and facial hair.
Working on the new male models.
Working on the new concept art.
Working on the new BB icons.
Texturing the new quad vehicles.
Working on the low poly extra quad parts.
Finished setting up the new vehicle.
Finishing the farming plants morphs.
Creating the farming tools models.
Finishing the barber clothing.
Working on the farming animations.
Working on the new vehicle animations.
Working on the barber NPC animations.
Working SCAR-H low poly mesh.
Working on the barber voice lines.
Testing upcoming features.
Community feedback.
Catching and banning cheaters.
Steam bug reports and general discussion.
Working on the International program 2nd wave.
Bug reporting.
Working on the radiation design document.
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