[2022] SCUM - Development update #35
over 2 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
over 2 years ago -
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Hey hey everyone it is Monday. Hope you enjoyed your weekend, now it's time to check out what our busy dev time was up to!
Working on on demand mesh components for searching garden slllots.
Working on the radiation zone.
Working on saving and loading garden state from the database.
Working on soil wetness system.
Removing foliage from garden plots.
Working on farming skill.
Touching up on trader UI.
Working on the banking system.
Working on modular vehicles service system.
Finished the interaction functions on modular vehicles.
Updating the car mechanic NPC for modular vehicles.
Finished the starter banking card.
Added the ne renew card function on the ATM.
Working on the farming panel.
Working on the modular vehicles damage model.
Working on the spawner manager.
Transferring planes and boats to the new vehicle system.
Refactoring the garden interaction code.
Finished the radiation presence metabolism system,
Working on the radiation poisoning symptoms.
Working on the Geiger counter.
Finishing the fame point system rework.
Fixing the BB stability system.
Implemented the BB element counting system.
Implemented the new modular BB elements.
Working on volumetric fog UE blueprints.
Tweaking the fog intensity.
Working on the Nuclear powerplant POI distant LODs.
Working on the ambience effects for the Nuclear powerplant.
Working on more modular BB elements.
Working on the farming tree models.
Baking the turbine and purification building atlas.
Baking the reactor building and admin building atlas.
Working on turbine and purification building LODs.
Working on the reactor building and admin building LODs.
Working on the depleted uranium container.
Finished the new male character faces.
Working on the new trailer assets.
Working on additional UI elements for Banking system.
Working on Farming UI.
Working on new concept art.
Working on Farming product meshes.
Adjusting the vehicle models to modular vehicle systems.
Working on the Geiger counter device model.
Working on the new trailer.
Working on the hazmat suit model.
Working on the Geiger counter sounds.
Implementing Bankar NPC voice lines.
Hunting and banning cheaters.
Ban appeals.
Steam general discussion and bug reports.
Performance benchmarking and optimization testing.
Testing of upcoming features.
Various bug reports.
Revising the gain Fame methods.
Further work on Radiation design document.
Resolving design issues regarding the economy.
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