about 2 months ago - Beda - Direct link
Hello everyone, happy Friday! Hope you are all enjoying the update. As promised here is the list of bugfixes from yesterday so check it out! ->

hey everyone, hope you are enjoying the new update. As for us we are passing out and looking at all the feedback from you guys so keep it coming.

Another thing we would like to ask is regarding this years Steam Awards! As every year we have been nominated for the Labor of Love category! So if you want to, it would be really cool to give us your vote. Appreciate yall! You can do so here

  • Fixed the bug where some BB elements would disappear when locked in SP.
  • Fixed the issue where explosive arrows would not explode if shot too far.
  • Fixed the bug where moving away from vehicles would turn off the radio automatically.
  • Fixed the issue where crossbow bolts would sell for no money.
  • Fixed the issue where camera would snap after jumping and looking in opposite direction.
  • Fixed the issue where you could place BB elements through items.
  • Fixed multiple issues where you could not place a blueprint when you should be able to.
  • Fixed the issue where cutting wooden logs in some cases would freeze the player.
  • Fixed the issue where making a smaller zone inside a bigger zone in server settings, the smaller zone would get overwritten.
  • Fixed multiple animation issues.
  • Fixed the issue where puppets would not attack players in 2 wheeled vehicles.
  • Fixed the issue where you could go into negative gold status.
  • Fixed the issue where players could hide in bushes and engage mechs without any return fire.
  • Fixed the issue where you could hide items under foundations.
  • Fixed the issue where you could clip some BB elements through each other.

  • Wardrobes and sheds cannot be stacked on top of each other anymore.
  • Increased dropship fire rate.
  • Increased dropship leaning when rotating.
  • Improved the way Sentries target BB elements.
  • Decreased first person dot sway.

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