over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - Beda - Direct link
Good evening everyone, are you ready for Spooktober? Well we are! If you are not already sh*tting your pants every night on the SCUM island, let us enhance the atmosphere!

Happy Halloween! As is tradition we have some special new features for you all to find on the island!

Blood moon!
There is a new phenomenon on the SCUM island. A legend says some of the prisoners created a cult and excecuted some sort of a ritual. Anyway they turned the moon red. And with it some strange phenomenon started occurring on the island.

Hey you? Yes you! Do you like old adventure movies? Grew up watching Indiana Jones or the Mummy? Well if you feel adventurous in any way there is a surprise waiting for you at the old haunted house. I will not say any more not to destroy the sense of wonder.

Extra emotes
Let's be honest here, the biggest aspect of Halloween is dressing up and getting to do some shenanigans. Now you can already dress up in the game but it is time to advance the level of shenanigans. We are adding new thematic emotes, for free!

There are more surprises waiting for you on the island, but why spoil the surprise.

Hey there sisters. You ready for fall fashion week? You're not? Don't worry we got you covered. Prison renowned stylist and hairdresser prodigy Emanuel has arrived and set up shop on SCUM island.

He has style, he has grace, he will put makeup on your face. But beware Emanuel has set up shop for females only. So you macho men will have to wait your turn (will be available when the men get their rework love). As for the ladies, hope you are ready to get serviced by one of the best, for the premium price of course. Once you can afford the service and decide it is treat yourself day you will be taken to the Hairdresser screen where you can change the style of your character with however you like to express yourself.

We have a new item dropping in. Which one you axe? Well I am so glad you axed. Meet Traynors axe!

Who is Traynor you axe? (ok I'm done I promise) Well he is a promiment member of our community and an incredibly skilled blacksmith who handcrafted a couple of items from the game and sent them our way! You can check out more of his work HERE[www.instagram.com]

  • Fixed the bug where players could not gain XP after reaching a specific point in advanced level.
  • Fixed the issue where trader item icons showed wrong icons.
  • Fixed the bug where the chainsaw did not produce any noise towards AI.
  • Fixed the issue where disarming traps would sometimes crash the server.
  • Fixed the bug where players would run in place after cutting down trees or logs.
  • Fixed the bug where you could not interact with ladders from above.
  • Fixed the bug where pressing the crouch key while in squatting animation would mess with the camera.
  • Fixed the bug where you could not craft improvised raincoat rain collector through craft button.
  • Fixed some errors with the economy log.
  • Fixed the issue where some rooms did not have echo effects on sounds when they should.
  • Fixed the bug where riding a bicycle uphill was considered less difficult.
  • Fixed the issue where underground ambience sounds were not applied correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed the issue where the Check fuel action would not run properly on the chainsaw.
  • Fixed the bug where it was possible to cancel the chamber round animation on AWP/AWM in events.
  • Fixed some of the items caption errors.
  • Fixed the bug where Doctor NPC kept saying idle lines when operating.
  • Fixed the funny bug where player model legs would do the Michael Jackson when walking forward and leaning.
  • Fixed the bug where rowing a boat would cause a freeze where PC restart would be required.

  • Opened up some parts of Samobor city.
  • Players can no longer destroy items if they are not able to stand up.
  • Check fuel action now takes the chainsaw in the hands slot if it was in vicinity.
  • Characters will now remove items in hands when entering rest animations.
  • M82A1 and POSP scopes will now have properly illuminated reticles during night.
  • Adjusted the HS-9 and SF19 weapon parts inventory size.
  • Added the ability to see player names color coded when squaded up, this can be adjusted in ingame settings.
  • Removed hair and makeup related options from character creation and plastic surgery.
  • You will now be able to buy motorboats and SUPs at the C2 boat shop.

  • Added new optional location argument to #DestroyZombiesWithinRadius admin command. Example:

    #DestroyZombiesWithinRadius <radius> <location>
    #DestroyZombiesWithinRadius 100 {X=-152157.266 Y=287169.562 Z=69696.133|P=341.697937 Y=189.414261 R=0.000000}

  • Added a #listflags command that lists the ID, owner and location of all flags on the level.
  • Added additional information about teleports when using ShowOtherPlayerInfo, ShowVehicleInfo and TeleportTo commands.
  • Added a parameter to #DestroyCorpsesWithinRadius command to control whether the clothes of destroyed corpses stay on the ground or get destroyed.
  • Yellow worm bait can now be spawned via command.