
Smite Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Hey! Can you try clearing both your SMITE game cache/save data and then hard power cycling your PS4 to see if that fixes it for you?

  • On the system home menu select settings.
  • Select Application Saved Data Management
  • Select Saved Data in System Storage.
  • Select Delete.
  • Select SMITE
  • Select Settings and chose delete.

Then uninstall SMITE

After SMITE is uninstalled power cycle your console by shutting it down(not rest mode), waiting 30 seconds then turning it back on. After you've power cycled re-install SMITE.

07 Jul


Originally posted by NugNugJuice

This is true but it can if we get enough of people begging for it. Ajax is quite active on this subreddit and maybe sometime down the line we’ll get it.

The chances are slim but there’s no harm in trying!

I am quite active here, and Ive also described a few times why we won't bring this one back.

Medusa's Deathmatch is not a mode we can just rotate in - it has a huge amount of extra rules and features that are required for it to work - specifically this refers to the 3 teams feature.

This affects the game's UI in many ways that are totally unique to this game mode, and won't necessary work if we just turn it back on. Its actually a lot of code implementation work to "bring this back" - any old adventure with a lot of specific extra rules like this are hard to bring back (dungeons, racer, CTF, deathmatch)

Modes that are just "maps" and mostly play like normal SMITE games - are much easier to bring back (classic joust, domination, corrupted arena)

06 Jul

05 Jul

04 Jul

03 Jul

02 Jul

01 Jul