New Release: Dark Enchantress
Passive - Empowered BladeMorgan Le Fay’s abilities Mark enemy gods also activating the shared Symbol on her sword providing Magical Power. Once her sword has gained all 5 Symbols, Morgan Le Fay becomes empowered, gaining double the Magical Power buff and reducing the cooldown of Consuming Power by 10s before the Symbols are all drained.
Sigil MasteryMorgan Le Fay summons a crashing magical sword, imbued by a sigil of her choice which is briefly carved into the ground. Enemy gods hit are Marked while the Sigil causes secondary effects.
DragonflightMorgan Le Fay summons a dragon apparition which bursts from the ground in front of her, dealing damage and knocking up enemies hit. The dragon then flies forward, dealing damage again and knocking...
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